#more suspects

Collection of more suspects news, found 2.833 news.

It is possible for the minister of religion to be summoned: KPK

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has hinted that Minister of Religious Affairs Lukman Hakim would ...

PPP chief arrest is a bitter pill, but it must be accepted: TKN

The Secretary of the National Campaign Team (TKN) for Joko Widodo-KH Ma'ruf Amin, Hasto Kristiyanto  has said ...

KPK officially declares Romahurmuziy as bribery suspect

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) officially declared United Development Party General Chair Muhammad ...

Jakarta police uncover Pekanbaru-Jakarta-Bandung drug ring

The Indonesian Police have uncovered the Riau-Jakarta-Bandung drug ring as a result of a thorough investigation that ...

Malaysian arrested in Tanjung Balai for smuggling crystal meth: police

The Tanjung Balai Police and Customs and Excise officers in North Sumatra Province have arrested a Malaysian citizen, ...

Drug producers and dealers are Indonesia`s number one enemy

This week, the Indonesian public was again at the receiving end of a shocking news of a politician arrested for ...

Indonesian police uncover Jakarta-Palembang drug ring

The Indonesian police have uncovered a Jakarta-Palembang drug ring and confiscated 50 kilograms (kg) of crystal ...

Three police officers arrested on drug charges

The South Sulawesi Provincial Police has arrested three police officers at a hotel in the South Sulawesi provincial ...

President calls on police to crack down on football mafia

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has called on the Indonesian Police to crack down on the football mafia involved in ...

BNN thwarts drug smuggling attempt in E Java's Tulungagung

The Tulungagung National Narcotics Agency (BNN) has thwarted an attempt to smuggle 280 grams of crystal ...

Kalla defends Indonesia`s efforts to eradicate corruption

Vice President Jusuf Kalla has defended the ongoing efforts to eradicate corruption in Indonesia, affirming that the ...

Indonesian police confiscate 50 kilograms of crystal meth from Malaysia

The National Police have seized 50 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine, 15 thousand ecstasy pills, and a pack of ...

News Focus

Drug rings keep challenging Indonesia`s law enforcers By Rahmad Nasution

The National Narcotics Agency`s (BNN) success in thwarting an attempt to smuggle some 1.4 tonnes of marijuana into ...

Police arrest four people on drug charges

Police have arrested four people on charge of carrying 43.90 grams of crystal meth in North Lampung distriuct, Lampung ...

Task force hunts down four suspects in football match-fixing

The police' anti-football mafia task force has hunted down four people on wanted list for alleged involvement in ...