#national awakening party

Collection of national awakening party news, found 320 news.

Jokowi holds ongoing discussions on criteria for his vice-presidential candidate

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is still holding discussions on the criteria for the vice-presidential candidate, who ...

Jokowi thanks PDIP for nomination

President Joko Widodo, Jokowi, has thanked the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) for officially ...

President yet to receive resignation letter from Khofifah

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) confirmed that he has yet to receive a resignation letter from Social Service Minister ...

DPR passes General Election Bill into law

The Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) passed the General Election Bill into law late on Thursday night with ...

House speaker fails to meet anti-graft body`s summons

House of Representatives (DPR) Chairman Setya Novanto could not meet a summons from the Corruption Eradication ...

KPK hints naming of new suspect in e-ID card case

Chief of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Agus Rahardjo has hinted that the commission will soon name a new ...

Aceh Governor thanks President Jokowi for attending his inauguration

Aceh Governor Irwandi Yusuf has expressed gratitude to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and First Lady Iriana for ...

Jokowi congratulates Yusuf on inauguration as Aceh governor

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and First Lady Iriana on Wednesday congratulated Irwandi Yusuf and Nova Iriansyah on ...

Radicalism can stem from intolerance: Police

If allowed to continue, intolerance could lead to radicalism, according to National Police Chief of the Public ...

Minister urges to intensify early detection to counter terrorism, radicalism

Minister of Home Affairs Tjahjo Kumolo has invited all elements of society to improve early detection to counter any ...

Government extends use of trawls for fishermen

After imposing a ban on the use of trawls, the government announced on Wednesday that it will allow fishermen in ...

Councilor deplores high maternal mortality rate in Kulon Progo

A district councilor has deplored the high rate of maternal mortality that reaches 136.8 per 100 thousand live births ...

PAN needs time to choose Ahok or Anies

The National Mandate Party (PAN) said it has yet to decide who to vote for among the two pairs of candidates to ...

Gerindra offers coalition to Democratic Party in Jakarta election run-off

The Gerindra Party, which nominated the Anies Baswedan-Sandiaga Uno candidate pair in the Jakarta Gubernatorial ...

Nahdlatul Ulama supports Ma`ruf Amin in dispute with Ahok: PKB

Abdul Kadir Karding, Secretary General of the National Awakening Party (PKB), has said that members of the Nahdlatul ...