
Collection of ngo news, found 496 news.

International Buddhist group welcomes nuclear weapons ban treaty

-The adoption of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons at UN Headquarters in New York on July 7 is being ...

NGO criticizes privileges enjoyed by Freeport Indonesia

Indonesia For Global Justice (IGJ) has criticized the privileges being enjoyed by the US-based gold and copper mining ...

NGO calls for firm action against illegal logging in Mt Leuser area

Indonesian Environmental Forum (Walhi) has urged legal enforcers to take firm action against illegal logging ...

EARTH WIRE -- Environmental NGOs write to UNESCO highlighting threat to Leuser Ecosystem

An environmental NGO consortium has sent a letter to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural ...

EARTH WIRE -- Indonesian NGOs laud Presidential order to stop mercury use in mining

Numerous non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have lauded the order issued by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to stop ...

Qatari NGO helps Indonesian hospital development

A Qatari non-governmental organization, Qatari Charity, will support the development of "Rumah Sehat Dompet Dhuafa" ...

RI, Saudi Trade cooperation needs to be expanded: NGO

The Center of Reform on Economics (CORE), an independent research institute, has highlighted the importance of ...

Indonesian chief economic minister criticizes Oxfam`s gap report

Chief economic minister Darmin Nasution questioned Oxfam report that four richest mens wealth in Indonesia is equal ...

Sumatra elephants` habitat continues to shrink: NGO

The habitat of Sumatra elephants (Elephas Maximus Sumatranus), which continues to shrink, has sparked more conflict ...

Aceh records highest violence ahead of election: NGO

Aceh province has the highest record of violence ahead of the regional election 2017, with 26 incidents in some ...

Violence against children rises in Palu

The Board of Family Planning and Womens Empowerment (BPP-KB) in Palu, Central Sulawesi, has recorded 97 cases of ...

Government should prevent production and circulation of lead paints: NGO

Non-governmental organization (NGO) Balifokus Foundation has called on the government to prevent the production and ...

Ratification of Paris Agreement not enough : NGO

The decision of the House of Representatives (DPR) to ratify the Paris Agreement on climate change should be followed ...

WCF 2016: Embellish the world through the perspective of culture

- The collaborative dance performance between the participants of International Folk Dance Fetival (IFDF) and a number ...

Jakarta bay reclamation to be hot topic in election campaign

Indonesias electorate is looking forward to a very exciting and fierce gubernatorial election campaign in Jakarta as ...