#nine months

Collection of nine months news, found 295 news.

Target overshot in investment in 2015: Investment agency

Head of the Capital Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Franky Sibarani said realization of investment project ...

Visa free facility, criminality

In early April 2015 a number of Chinese tourists complained about being forced to pay illegal levy by Indonesian ...

Government to provide power-plant vessel to NTT

The government will provide a 60 megawatt power-plant vessel to East Nusa Tenggara Province. "The ship will ...

President to prioritize electrical development in Eastern Indonesia

The government will prioritize the development of electricity in Eastern Indonesia, President Joko Widodo has ...

Investment board: Foreign investment remain dominant

The Capital Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) said foreign investments (PMA) have remained the largest contributors ...

Some 195 Indonesian marines deployed to guard outer islands

Some 195 personnel from the Indonesian Marine Corps, who joined the Ambalat XX Task Force and Outer Island XVIII Task ...

Green lane facility for investors to reduce dwelling time

The green lane facility to facilitate investors for importing machinery and tools as they enter the construction ...

N. Sumatra`s rubber production predicted to decline

North Sumatras production of natural rubber is predicted to decline to around 450,000 tons this year from 465,000 tons ...

Special desk asked to facilitate US investors at investment board

US Ambassador to Indonesia Robert O. Blake asks for a special desk at the Capital Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) ...

Indonesia second best trade and investment hub in region

A survey by Price Waterhouse Coopers (PwC) over 800 company leaders in Asia Pacific named Indonesia the second best ...

Government seeks to expand foreign tourism to Bali

The government has sponsored tourism promotions in three cities in Saudi Arabia, to in a bid to increase the number of ...

Tourist arrivals may surpass 10-million target this year

The number of tourist arrivals hit a nine-month high of 869,179 in September 2015, shoring up optimism about achieving ...

RI`s economic growth still better than other countries`: World Bank

The World Bank has stated that Indonesia still has better economic growth than other commodity exporting countries. ...

Indonesia posts increase in trade surplus on shrinking imports

Indonesia recorded a trade surplus of US$1.02 billion in September despite a decline in exports. The surplus was ...

Indonesian forest fires cause regional concern

Millions of people in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore have been affected by the haze mainly arising from forest, ...