#non oil

Collection of non oil news, found 670 news.

Oil and gas contribute to trade balance deficit: BPS

High import in the oil and gas sector is the main contributor to the country`s trade deficit in October 2018, reaching ...

News Focus : Indonesia`s interest in participating in trade exhibition in China by eliswa

Indonesia recently concluded its participation in the world`s largest import trade show "The 1st China ...

Bappenas stresses need to boost export to cover deficit

Minister of National Development Planning/head of the National Planning Board (Bappenas), Bambang Brodjonegoro, has ...

CAD expected to go down in q4 0f 2018

The high current account deficit (CAD) of 8.8 billion or about 3.37 percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the ...

Widening current account deficit results from rising oil imports

Indonesia`s third quarter current account deficit rose to US$8.8 billion or 3.37 percent of the national gross ...

Export-based Small Medium Enterprises should be the forefront of indonesian economy

Export-based Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) should be able to become the forefront of the Indonesian economy, ...

Indonesia, Pakistan agree to enhance bilateral trade

Indonesia and Pakistan have agreed to enhance bilateral trade, despite the negotiation that has come to a halt on the ...

Indonesia committed to enhancing its active roles in UNWTO forums

Indonesia has expressed its commitment to intensifying its active roles in the United Nations World Tourism ...

Mexico invites Indonesia to participate in harbor development project

The new Mexican government is keen to invite Indonesia and Asia Oceania countries to take part in the development of a ...

Indonesia, Singapore can be engines of Asia`s economic power: Minister

Indonesia and Singapore have the potential to become the twin engine of Asia`s economic power to boost the region`s ...

Industry 4.0 to put Indonesia among top 10 economies

The fourth industrial revolution, also known as industry 4.0, is expected to make Indonesia one of the top 10 ...

Government records trade balance surplus of us$0.23 billion

Indonesia`s trade balance in September 2018 experienced a surplus of US$0.23 billion, triggered by a non-oil and gas ...

Tax revenues Rp900.82 trillion in first nine months of 2018

The Taxation Directorate General of the Finance Ministry said tax revenues in the first nine months of the year ...

Indonesia`s economic diplomacy to target Latin America, East Europe

Indonesia`s economic diplomacy will target Latin America and Eastern Europe, after previously successfully cooperating ...

Singapore`s investment in Indonesia up 38 percent

Singapore`s new investment in Indonesia reached US$5.04 billion or rose 38 percent in the first half of the year ...