#non oil

Collection of non oil news, found 670 news.

RI`s non-oil/non-gas exports up 35 percent in September

Indonesia`s non-oil/non-gas exports in September 2011 reached a total value of US$13.6 billion or 35 percent up from ...

RI enjoys US$2.8 billion foreign trade surplus in September

Indonesia enjoyed a surplus in both its non-oil/non-gas and oil/gas trading activities with other countries in ...

Oz biggest market for balinese garments

Australia was the biggest market for Bali`s garment exports in July, buying 15.28 percent of the province`s overall ...

Riau`s exports to seven main destinations fall

Riau province`s non-oil/non-gas exports to its seven main export destinations fell in July 2011, causing its overall ...

RI, India in pre-negotiations on comprehensive economic partnership

Indonesia and India are conducting pre- negotiations on an economic partnership covering trade, investment and other ...

RI posts Rp34.29 trillion trade surplus

Indonesia recorded a 63.56 percent trade surplus in the August 2011 period if compared with that in the previous ...

Anti-oil palm industry campaigns must be countered

Industry Minister MS Hidayat said black campaigns against the oil palm industry must be countered because in reality ...

Indonesia`s total exports in August reach us$18.81 billion

Indonesia`s total exports reached US$18.81 billion in August 2011, up by eight percent from the previous month. ...

Bali bizmen worried about continuing economic slump in Europe

Businessmen in Bali are worried about the absence of improvements in economic conditions in Europe as it might ...

Bali expands market to Central and South America

Balinese entrepreneurs and exporters have expanded their wings to Central and South America selling art, handicraft, ...

Tax receipts reach 60.9% of target

Tax receipts in the eight months through August reached 60.9 percent of the target of Rp878.7 trillion set under the ...

North Sumatra`s vegetable oil exports rise sharply

North Sumatra`s export of animal/vegetable fats and oils rose sharply in the seven months through July 2011, ...

Indonesia must reduce raw material imports

Indonesia must reduce the import and export of raw materials to expand the market for domestic products, a senior ...

Non-tax revenue target too low : Legislator

The non-tax revenue (PNBP) target set at Rp272.7 trillion at the 2012 draft state budget is too small, a legislator ...

API predicts Indonesia`s textile exports to miss target

The Indonesian Textile Association (API) predicts the country`s textile exports may grow below their target figure due ...