The number of hot spots that cause forest fires in several locations in Riau Province has been decreasing from 50 last ...
A total of Rp100 billion has been allocated for making rain, procuring materials and providing planes to conduct water ...
Chairman of the Supreme Court (MA) Justice Hatta Ali said that former police general Susno Duadji had shown a gallant ...
Troubled actress Lindsay Lohan on Tuesday dodged questions about her upcoming court-ordered stint in rehab in her ...
A Palestinian prisoner, who was serving a life sentence in an Israeli jail, died of throat cancer on Tuesday, the head ...
The former head of Basque separatist group ETA believed to have ordered the Madrid airport bombing that ended a truce ...
A violin seized by police in a raid in Bulgaria is not a 1.2 million pound ($1.8 million) Stradivarius stolen from a ...
Singapore police on Tuesday arrested a 13-year-old Indian boy for posting a Facebook message in which he allegedly ...
North Korea confirmed Friday that it had arrested a US citizen in November, saying he had admitted to unspecified ...
Singapore`s parliamentary Speaker announced his resignation Wednesday after confessing he had an extramarital affair ...
Six Iranians were sentenced to 14 years in jail and a fine of Rp10 billion each here on Friday for smuggling 100 ...
Tens of Indonesian citizens have been detained in China on narcotics and illegal drug charges, according to the ...
An Italian court on Monday (Oct. 22) sentenced seven officials and government-appointed scientists to six years each ...
Former vice president Jusuf Kalla said he supported the efforts made by a number of legislators to uncover the mystery ...
Former Panamanian strongman Manuel Noriega is back in the hospital over heart concerns, just a few months after a bout ...