
Collection of nyoman news, found 322 news.

Exports of creative economic products bolster tourism recovery

Creative economic product exports and marketing digitization of those products help bolster recovery of the tourism ...

Bali photographers showcase 40 photo depicting COVID-19 at festival

Some 15 photographers from the local Balinese, national, and international mass media exhibited 40 photographs on ...

BI encourages NTT to intensify seaweed farming

East Nusa Tenggara Office has encouraged local government to intensify seaweed farming to increase production and ...

Bali's Klungkung Hospital falling short of COVID-19 isolation rooms

A rise in the number of suspected and confirmed COVID-19 cases in the past few days has led to shortage of isolation ...

Jokowi installs 17 new members of Indonesian Medical Council

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) installed 17 members of the Indonesian Medical Council (KKI) for the 2020-2025 period at ...

News Focus

More armed Papuan rebels declare allegiance to Motherland

More and more armed Papuan rebels have surrendered and declared their allegiance to the Unitary State of the Republic ...

Five armed Papuan rebels surrender, swear allegiance to Indonesia

Five armed Papuan rebels of the Puron Wenda-led separatist group declared their allegiance to the Unitary State of the ...

Puri Raharja hospital's president director dies of COVID-19 in Bali

Dr. I Nyoman Sutedja MPH, president director of Puri Raharja Hospital, died of COVID-19 at the University of ...

COVID-19 recoveries in Jayapura comprise 15 children, one adult

Local hospitals in Jayapura discharged 15 children and an adult in Indonesia's Papua Province on Thursday after ...

Papua's 52 paramedics contract COVID-19 infection

Some 52 paramedics in Papua Province got infected with the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), but most of them fully ...

Infant dies of COVID-19 in Mataram city

Lab results have confirmed a nine-month old infant who died in Mataram, the capital of West Nusa Tenggara Province, on ...

48 migrant workers quarantined in Bali allowed to go home

Forty eight Indonesian migrant workers quarantined at a hotel in Badung District, Bali Province, have been allowed to ...

Two elderly Ukrainians found dead in Bali apartment

Two Ukrainian nationals, identified as Tamara, 53, and Andrey,54, were found dead in an apartment located in ...

News Focus

Hindus chant mantras, burn incense at home amid pandemic

In the time of pandemic, a visit to a religious place could potentially be a matter of life-and-death as it would ...

Mataram city to house returning migrant workers at Nusantara building

The Mataram City Administration in West Nusa Tenggara Province has prepared the Wisma Nusantara building to house ...