#one million

Collection of one million news, found 1.300 news.

Thai flood toll reaches 11, thousands stranded

Flooding across southern Thailand has killed 11 people and stranded thousands on storm-swept holiday islands as the ...

Indocement to increase production capacity

PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk. plans to increase investment to raise its production capacity by two million tons ...

International Women's Day, 2011: Time to Make the Promise of Equality a Reality

-    The following is a message by Michelle Bachelet, Executive Director, UN Women:    A ...

Govt to develop biogas for small industry

The government will develop biogas technology as an energy source for small and medium scale industries, a senior ...

Indonesia expected to start producing CBM in Q2 2011

The Indonesian government expects energy sector to be able to start producing coal bed methane (CBM) by the second ...

Cairo begins to stabilize after riots, pyramids remain deserted

Egypt continues to suffer revenue losses from the lack of tourists as the country tries to return to a normal daily ...

One million Sri Lankans hit by floods, 14 dead

Sri Lanka`s monsoon rains spread to more villages and towns on Sunday, leaving at least 14 people dead and more than ...

Mass protests in Egypt is for reform: India

Expressing hope that the current situation in Egypt will be resolved in a peaceful manner, India Tuesday said, ?Mass ...

Million Egyptians clamour for Mubarak to go

At least one million people rallied across Egypt on Tuesday clamouring for President Hosni Mubarak to give up ...

RI's seaweed production target achievable

Indonesia`s target to be the world`s biggest seaweed producing country with an output of 10 million tons by 2015 is ...

Minister supports "Kaltim Green" Policy

Environment Minister Gusti Muhammad Hatta said he fully supported the East Kalimantan provincial government`s "Kaltim ...

Philippine investor to build cacao processing plant in 2011

A Philippine investor will soon prove its seriousness in making an investment in West Sulawesi by building a cacao ...

Bangladesh anti-graft official "held taking bribe"

A top anti-corruption official in Bangladesh was arrested as he accepted a bribe during a sting operation in the port ...

ASEAN Strives To Become Single Tourist Destination

West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) scenic Island of Lombok hosted an ASEAN Ministerial Meeting Retreat on January 15-17, 2011 ...

Australia thanks Indonesia for helping Queensland

Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard thanked Indonesia for donating one million US dollars to support ...