
Collection of palestinian news, found 1.562 news.

JR's Inside Out Project Invites Thousands of Israelis and Palestinians to Show Their Faces

-           Time is Now, Yalla! - JR to Provide Photobooths for ALL ...

Non-aligned countries support Palestinian UN bid

The Non-Aligned Movement on Tuesday confirmed its support for a Palestinian bid for UN membership at a ministerial ...

Turkey pm toughens line towards Israel

Turkish prime minister refused to back down in a row with Israel Tuesday, accusing his country`s former allies of ...

OIC condemns UN report on Israel`s flotilla raid

The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation condemned Sunday a leaked UN report which it said "whitewashes" Israel`s ...

To play Iran, RI soccer team should foster spirit

The Indonesian senior soccer team completed its three try-out matches which were all conducted in the Islamic ...

Israel says Gaza gets anti-plane arms from Libya

Palestinians in Gaza have acquired anti-aircraft and anti-tank rockets from Libya during its six-month civil war, ...

UN agency warns on mutant bird flu in China, Vietnam

The UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) on Monday warned about a new mutant strain of the deadly bird flu H5N1 ...

World Quds Day is Day Of Muslims call for justice, independence

Malaysian Ulama Association president Abdul Ghani Shamsuddin said on Friday that the World Quds Day is the day of ...

Israeli raids kill 9 Gazans in 24 hours: medics

A series of Israeli air strikes on Gaza over a 24-hour period killed nine Palestinians and injured 30, a spokesman for ...

RI soccer team to face Jordan in try-out match

Facing the Jordanian national soccer team on August 27, 2011 will be the last try-out match for the Indonesian ...

Rocket fire rocks Israel-Hamas truce

Four rockets fired from Gaza slammed into south Israel late Monday, without causing casualties, police and the army ...

Indonesia beat Palestine 4-1 in friendly football match

Indonesia beat Palestine in a friendly football match here on Monday evening before around 24,000 spectators. The ...

UI awards honorary title to Saudi King

The University of Indonesia (UI) has awarded an honorary title to Saudi Arabia`s King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz at a ...

Seven rockets hit Israel after Gaza factions agree truce

Seven rockets from Gaza hit Israel on Monday just hours after militant factions agreed an informal truce after four ...

Winning not RI soccer team`s main target against Palestine

The absence of two Indonesian senior soccer players, Ahmad Bustomi and Ricardo Salampessy, from a try-out match ...