#papuan people

Collection of papuan people news, found 263 news.

ICW finds more freeport money transfers to police

The Indonesian Corruption Watch (ICW) has discovered transfers of US$79.1 million from PT Freeport Indonesia to the ...

news focus: police deploy more personnel to defuse tensions in Papua

Following a series of shooting incidents in Papua Province that killed several people, including Mulia Sector Police ...

Jayapura police to crush separatist activities

Jayapura Police Resort Chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner Imam Setiawan said police would crush whoever supported ...

Freeport incident must be settled

Chief Economic Minister Hatta Rajasa hoped that Monday`s incident at PT Freeport would not escalate and a solution ...

One dead from Freeport clash

A PT Freeport Indonesia employee was fatally shot in a clash between hundreds of police and thousands of the mining ...

Papua`s forests facing serious threat: Greenpeace

A Greenpeace campaigner for Papua, Ricarth Tawaru, said with forests in Sumatra and Kalimantan having almost ...

Papua referendum idea not popular among local people

Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro said the demand for a referendum as voiced by a group of Papuan people recently ...

Papuan youth must study hard: Governor

Governor of Papua Barnabas Suebu asked the youth here Thursday to study hard to build Papua and the country in ...