
Collection of peace news, found 4.961 news.

Unify Platform AG launches Pre-IP certification for R&D content using blockchain technology as intellectual property protection on UNIPLAT

- Pre-IP Secures Ownership of R&D Content Before Legal Patent Is Issued - Unify Platform AG of Switzerland, with its ...

Religious moderation must be nurtured from the familial level: analyst

Nurturing religious moderation to prevent intolerance, radicalism, and terrorism must start in families, Datokarama ...

G20 Indonesia

Widodo underlines three focuses of Indonesia's G20 Presidency

Indonesia's G20 Presidency in 2022 will focus on three strategic issues—inclusive health management, digital ...

G20 Indonesia

Indonesia to push global resilience during G20 Presidency: Hartarto

Indonesia aims to help the world to recover from the crisis and become more resilient during its G20 Presidency, ...

Indonesian, Malaysian air forces hold joint exercise

The Indonesian and Malaysian Air Forces are conducting a joint exercise code-named Elang Malindo XXVIII/2021 at Supadio ...

Fakfak District is example of religious moderation in Indonesia: KSP

The Presidential Staff Office (KSP) highlighted a plan to designate Fakfak District in West Papua Province as an ...

Indonesia aims to send more women for peacekeeping missions

Indonesia will prioritize increasing women's participation in international peacekeeping forces, the Foreign ...

Happy Teachers' Day

A teacher has a huge influence on our lives, and without one we may not see any of the success we currently enjoy. It ...

Jokowi praises fruitful partnership between ASEAN and China

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) acknowledged the fact that the partnership between the ASEAN and China dating back 30 ...

Green Islamic bonds' issuance reached US$3.5 billion in 2018-2021

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati spoke of the government having issued green Islamic bonds reaching US$3.5 ...

Indonesia, New Zealand affirm importance of equal access to vaccines

Indonesia and New Zealand affirm the importance of equity in access to vaccines for all countries to accelerate the ...

Proud of Papua emerging as XVI Peparnas champion: governor

Papua Governor Lukas Enembe has expressed "immense pride" at the Papua contingent emerging as the champions ...

News Focus

Challenges await General Perkasa in Papua

Papua issues will be a challenge for the leadership of General Andika Perkasa, whose sole candidacy for the post of ...

Indonesia's role and commitment in Minamata Convention

Indonesia is hosting the 4th Meeting of the Parties (COP-4) to the Minamata Convention to discuss efforts to reduce and ...

ASEAN must engage Myanmar in constructive dialogue: Cambodia

Minister Delegate Attached to the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia in charge of Foreign Affairs and ASEAN, Kao ...