
Collection of pekanbaru news, found 1.183 news.

Haze blankets Bagansiapi-api, Riau

Haze from forest and plantation fires blanketed Bagansiapi-api City in Rokan Hilir District, Riau Province, on ...

Arrested poachers killed six Sumatran elephants: police

The eight poachers who were detained on Tuesday evening had killed six Sumatran elephants in two provinces, the Riau ...

Pelindo I To Expand and Modernize Five Ports in 2015

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo) I will expand and modernize five of its ports this year. The five ports ...

Rimbang Baling Wildlife Reserve to conserve 20 waterfalls

The Bukit Rimbang Baling Wildlife Reserve located in Kampar and Kuantan Sengingi districts, Riau, is preserving 20 ...

Trans-Sumatra railway should not remain a dream: Economist

The central governments plan to build a trans-Sumatra railway line connecting Riau with other provinces should not ...

President to review licenses of companies converting peatlands

President Joko Widodo has said he will review the licenses of companies that have converted peatlands into monoculture ...

President Jokowi to visit Riau to assess forest fire situation

The acting governor of Riau, Arsyadjuliandi Rachman, said that President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is scheduled to visit ...

Two foreign fishing vessels detained on charge of illegal operation

The navy ship the KRI Sutedi Senaputra-878 has caught and detained two foreign fishing vessels operating illegally in ...

Satellite detects 72 hotspots in Sumatra

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) 18 satellite of the United States operated in Singapore, ...

KPK traces treasure of non-active Riau Governor

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is tracing and taking data of non-active Riau Governor Annas Maamuns ...

Indonesia should be stricter with Australia on illegal immigrant issue

Indonesia, under the rule of new President Joko Widodo or Jokowi, should be more firm in dealing with Australia on the ...

Batam airport postpones, cancels flights due to haze

A number of flights from Batam Hang Nadim International Airport to Pekanbaru, Silangit, Palembang, and Jakarta, were ...

353 hotspots of forest fires detected in Sumatra

Some 353 hotspots of forest and plantation fires were detected across Sumatra Island on Wednesday. "Based on the ...

Confiscated documents brought to Jakarta: KPK

All documents that the Corruption Eradication Commissions (KPK) investigators confiscated from different places, ...

KPK seizes documents from Riau governor`s house

Investigators of Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) raided the house of Riau Governor Annas Maamun here on Sunday ...