
Collection of permission news, found 626 news.

Police search house of Nazaruddin`s uncle

North Sumatra police has searched the house of Yunus Rasyid, uncle of former Democratic Party general treasurer ...

Hamas calls on Greece to let Gaza flotilla sail

The Hamas government in the Gaza Strip on Sunday called on Greece to allow a flotilla of aid ships to set sail for the ...

Ten public servants facing sanctions for unreported divorces

Ten public servants employed by the Tulungagung district administration are facing disciplinary sanctions because they ...

News Focus: Nazaruddin Must Come Home

Sacked ruling Democratic Party PDP treasurer Muhammad Nazaruddin is now in Singapore, a neighboring country he has ...

Nazaruddin had party permission to go to Singapore : Ruhut

Nazaruddin obtained permission from the leader of the Democratic Party (PD) faction in the House of Representatives ...

Sudanese President says North Sudan not to allow double nationality

Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir said Tuesday that north Sudan would not allow double nationality, and southerners ...

Ministry disallows Merpati airline`s vice president to resign

The Ministry of State Enterprises (BUMN) has rejected a resignation request from the vice president of state-owned ...

RI`s many old oil wells can still be made productive

Indonesia`s oil production can be boosted by reactivating the many old but still productive oil wells it has ...

British authorities halt anti-royal wedding party

A British republican group on Monday accused authorities of imposing a "politically motivated ban" on its anti-royal ...

Obama ally warns of U.S. congress anger on Libya

President Barack Obama`s Democratic allies in the US Congress may respond with "anxiety, perhaps anger" if strikes on ...

Indonesia`s Metro TV welcome in Libya

Indonesia`s credibility was good in the eyes of Libyan government and people so that Metro TV was allowed to reporting ...

BKSDA proposes widening of wildlife corridor in Seblat

Bengkulu`s Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) has asked the Forestry Ministry for permission to widen the ...

Dutch marines to leave Libya on Greek plane - ministry

Three Dutch marines to be released from captivity by Libyan government forces will be evacuated aboard a Greek ...

Lapindo to drill deeper into five gas wells -

Lapindo Brantas Inc is planning to drill deeper into five of its gas wells in Kalidawir Village, Tanggulangin ...

Three more Tunisian ministers step down

Three Tunisian ministers resigned on Tuesday, leaving the caretaker government which took over power after the ...