
Collection of places news, found 3.538 news.

Disseminating education vital in maintaining hearing health: Ministry

Director General of Disease Prevention and Control at the Health Ministry Maxi Rein Rondonuwu stated that education, ...

Minister supports plan on KUAs providing services to all religions

Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Cultural Affairs Muhadjir Effendy expressed his full support for the ...

Govt allows retailers to sell used clothing but not imported ones

Deputy Minister of Trade Jerry Sambuaga clarified that used clothing are allowed to be sold in Indonesia as long as ...

Prospect of food crisis increasingly real: BRIN

The threat of a future food crisis is becoming increasingly real due to agricultural land degradation and declining ...

Bulog ensures rice stocks to suffice for Ramadan, Eid al-Fitr

The State Logistics Agency (Bulog) stated that the government rice reserves (CBP) stocks are currently sufficient to ...

China Matters' Feature: How did Honolulu and Zhongshan create intertwining legacies?

Beijing, (ANTARA/PRNewswire) - What do Honolulu and the city of Zhongshan thousands of miles away ...

KUAs to provide marriage registration services for all religions

Religious Affairs Minister Yaqut Cholil Qoumas said that religious affairs offices (KUAs) will not only provide ...

Human resource development in Papua needs right strategy: Bappenas

The National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) said on Saturday that human resource development in Papua requires ...

Handling of bullying cases fails to have deterrent effect: KPAI

The Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) pointed out that steps for handling violence in the education ...

High-quality Belt and Road cooperation: The platform for action

Beijing, (ANTARA/PRNewswire) - A report from People's Daily: China and its partners have taken ...

Successfully secured power supply during elections: PLN

State-owned power company PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PT PLN) has claimed success in securing power supply during the ...

Jakarta ensures follow-up voting at polling station free from flooding

The Jakarta provincial government has ensured that the follow-up voting process to be held at polling stations (TPS) on ...

Locals' voting activity undeterred by Mount Semeru eruption

The eruption of Mount Semeru did not deter locals from exercising their right to vote at several voting places (TPS) at ...

American Express To Open Largest Centurion Lounge at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport

- On February 14, American Express (NYSE: AXP) will open a new Centurion Lounge at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta ...

SKF Awarded EcoVadis Platinum Rating for fourth year running

SKF has been awarded a Platinum Medal by EcoVadis, one of the most trusted providers of sustainability ratings for use ...