
Collection of plantation news, found 1.815 news.

Sago forest in Papua needs preservation

Sago forest in Papua needs to be preserved in a sustainable manner because it is a food reserve for the local ...

West Sulawesi needs industrial development

The Indonesian province of West Sulawesi needs industrial development as it will play an important role in improving ...

BNI Syairah resolved to attract more investors

State-owned Bank BNI Syariah is determined to attract more strategic investors this year as part of its efforts to ...

Asian-African village needs 350 hectare

The Vice Regent of West Bandung, Yayat T Soemitra, said the Asian- African Village, which will be built in the tea ...

Indonesia braces for La Nina-induced heavy rainy season

Indonesia was hit hard by the El Nino weather phenomenon last year and has been described by experts as one of the ...

Development of fast train project to accelerate economic growth: Governor Ahok

Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahja Purnama (Ahok) believes that the construction of the Jakarta-Bandung fast train track ...

Rice imports to reinforce food resilience

On paper, Indonesias rice production is adequate to meet its domestic needs, yet uncertain climate conditions such as ...

BUMN roadmap for 2015-2019 submitted to President Jokowi: Official

The Ministry of State Enterprises said it has submitted the roadmap for state-owned companies (BUMN) for the 2015 to ...

Peatland Restoration Agency established to prevent forest fires

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), under Presidential Regulation No. 1 of 2016, dated January 6, 2016, has established a ...

Companies granted faster customs service

The government granted 24 large investing companies the facility of faster customs service without physical ...

Papuans need to understand significance of connectivity

The government needs to hold talks with the Papuan community to make them understand that infrastructure development ...

Railways can solve Papua`s transportation problems

Railways are considered to be the most economical and efficient means to solve the transportation problems in ...

Indonesia still needs to import food in 2016

Although it claims to have had a surplus of rice in 2015, Indonesia still imported rice throughout the year and will ...

Forest fire sanctions: Govt makes public names of companies

The Indonesian government has made public the names of companies on which it had imposed sanctions for having caused ...

President instructs Air Force to investigate aircraft crash

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has ordered the Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU) to conduct an investigation into the ...