
Collection of plantation news, found 1.815 news.

Indonesia Accepts Foreign Assistance to Extinguish Forest Fires

The inhabitants of Sumatra and Kalimantan, as well as the citizens of Malaysia and Singapore, who have been choked by ...

Indonesia Accepts Foreign Assistance to Extinguish Forest Fires

The inhabitants of Sumatra and Kalimantan, as well as the citizens of Malaysia and Singapore, who have been choked by ...

Police process 33 cases of land fires in W Kalimantan

The West Kalimantan Provincial Police have processed 33 cases of land fires which have caused haze to spread across ...

Indonesia welcomes foreign assistance in battling forest fires - (d)

After taking months to tackling, Home Affairs Minister Tjahjo Kumolo said the government of Indonesia would welcome ...

Some countries offer help to put out Indonesian forest fires

Some countries have offered assistance to extinguish forest and plantation fires that have led to haze shrouding ...

Haze delays President Jokowi`s visit to Jambi

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) delayed his visit to Jambi as the haze hindered the landing of the presidential plane ...

Govt should identify main culprits of land fires and haze

The government needs to identify the main culprits behind the land fires and haze that have caused health problems and ...

Police names 240 people as suspects behind forest fires

Indonesian Police has named 240 people as suspects who allegedly set fire to forest and land, causing a haze disaster ...

Govt proposes life insurance aid for haze disaster victims

The government will propose a life insurance assistance for 1.2 million holders of Welfare Family Card (KKS) affected ...

Indonesia, Malaysia set up council of palm oil producing countries

Indonesia and Malaysia, both biggest palm oil producing countries in the world, will set up a Council of Palm Oil ...

Indonesian police investigate 232 cases of forest and plantation fires

Indonesian police are investigating 232 cases of forest and plantation fires on Sumatra and Kalimantan islands. ...

73 hotspots detected in Barito, C. Kalimantan

The Terra and Aqua satellites detected 73 hotspots indicating forest fires along Barito River that flows through the ...

Companies in Riau alleged to have set land fires

Seventeen companies in Sumatras province of Riau are believed to have set land fires in eight districts in the ...

Indonesian forest fires cause regional concern

Millions of people in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore have been affected by the haze mainly arising from forest, ...

Govt allocates Rp1.2 trillion to revitalize marketplaces

Indonesias Trade Minister Thomas Lembong said the government has allocated Rp1.2 trillion for revitalization of ...