#poor families

Collection of poor families news, found 194 news.

Child marriage rooted in gender discrimination: Malaysian representative

Permanent Representative of Malaysia to ASEAN Dato` Shariffah Norhana Syed Mustaffa said that child marriage was ...

President ensures realization of free power installation in Garut

President Joko Widodo made an impromptu visit to a village in Cibatu, Garut District, to ensure the realization of a ...

Optimism amid gloomy global economic condition by Citro Atmoko/A. Saragih

Optimism is strong that the country`s economic condition would continue to improve. The signs were quite obvious from ...

News feature - Parental role remains critical to preventing stunting By Otniel Tamindael

Despite the prevalence of stunted growth among children in Indonesia having dropped, from 37.2 percent in 2013 to 30.8 ...

WB to provide US$1 billion for Lombok, Palu reconstruction

The World Bank is committed to providing US$1 billion for the reconstruction of demaged facilities in the ...

Parental attention can help overcome malnutrition

Several factors, including the lack of parental attention due to busyness factor, can lead to nutritional deficiency ...

Improving the quality of human resources

The future of Indonesia depends on human resources of good quality, excellence, and strong competitiveness in the face ...

Sixteen Countries to Take Part in Choir Festival in Bali

At least 146 contestants from 16 countries will take part in an international choir competition to be held in Bali, ...

People expected to help overcome stunting problem

One of the health problems faced by Indonesia is stunting in children, which could affect the future ...

Blossoming peonies boost Gansu Linxia's economy

-As one poem goes, while ordinary flowers have withered in April, the peonies in the mountains are just in full bloom. ...

President optimistic of poverty rate reaching single digit

President Joko Widodo expressed optimism here on Tuesday that the poverty rate would decline to a single digit ...

First Lady Iriana Jokowi invites hundreds of children to palace

First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo (Jokowi) along with vice president`s wife Mufidah Jusuf Kalla invited hundreds of ...

Minister pledges land certificates for transmigrants

Minister for Rural Affairs and Backward and Transmigration Areas Eko Putro Sandjojo pledged that transmigrants will ...

Government prepares Rp5 trillion for scholarship: Minister

Research, Technology, and Higher Education Minister Prof Mohamad Nasir stated that the government has already prepared ...

Govt still has much homework on human rights: President Jokowi

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) acknowledged that there is still a lot of homework for human rights enforcement that ...