
Collection of pramono news, found 1.006 news.

Govt designates Lake Toba as international tourist destination

The government has designated Lake Toba, located in North Sumatra, as an international-standard tourist destination ...

Anti-graft agency grills lawmakers on graft cases

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) summoned a number of North Sumatra regional lawmakers and regional ...

President Jokowi will publicly explain high speed train project

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has promised to publicly explain in detail the Jakarta-Bandung high speed train (HST) ...

Golkar Party ready to support government, appoint new leader

The Golkar Party is entering a new chapter after its Chairman, Aburizal Bakrie, hinted that he plans to step down, and ...

President hopes Golkar will be able to settle problems soon

President Joko Widodo has expressed hope for an immediate settlement of the internal problems of the Golkar Party. ...

Govt to ensure supply-demand balance to control food prices

Trade Minister Thomas Trikasih Lembong said here on Wednesday that his priority was to ensure a balance between supply ...

President chairs meeting on rising prices of food

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) chaired a meeting to discuss the current rise in the prices of food, at the ...

Govt issues ninth economic policy package

Chief Economic Minister Darmin Nasution said the government has issued the ninth economic policy package which covers ...

President Jokowi on state visit to Timor Leste

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and first lady Iriana Joko Widodo, are due to arrive in Dili on Tuesday morning on ...

Indonesia considering exclusive prison for terrorists, pre-emptive detention powers

The Indonesian government is preparing to effect a revision in Law No. 15 Year 2003 on counter-terrorism, following a ...

Revision must respect principles of presumption of innocence: President

President Joko Widodo has advised that the principle of the presumption of innocence and human rights must be given ...

President agrees to issue presidential decree over child violence

President Joko Widodo has agreed to issue a Perppu (government regulation in lieu of law) and a presidential ...

President Joko Widodo pays tribute to minister Susi`s son

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) paid his last respects to Panji Hilmansyah, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister ...

Terror attacks handled promptly: Minister

The government has said the terror attacks in Jakarta on Thursday were settled quickly and security conditions have ...

President orders monitoring of Gafatar`s activities

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has ordered that the activities of the Nusantara Daybreak Movement (Gafatar) ...