#production sector

Collection of production sector news, found 61 news.

Lubricant industry projected to clock four-percent growth in 2019

Indonesia's lubricant industry is expected to achieve its targeted four-percent growth in 2019, Director General of ...

Minister Nasution opens up on hard-to-achieve KUR disbursement target

Coordinating Economic Affairs Minister Darmin Nasution conceded to the difficulty in achieving the 60-percent target of ...

State budget should encourage prosperity among Indonesian people

An economic observer at the Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (Indef), Enny Sri Hartati, said that the ...

APEC ministers called to boost food security

The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) ministers appealed to regional economies to intensify efforts to promote ...

President advises SMEs against mass production

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) suggested small-, medium-, and micro-scale entrepreneurs, with export market ...

Banks extend Rp118.4 trillion in smallholder business credits until November

The amount of smallholder business credits (KURs) extended until November 30, 2018, reached Rp118.4 trillion, or 95.7 ...

year ender - subsidized kur credit to reach rp120 trillion by year-end by andi abdussalam

In an effort to help small businesses obtain cheap financing, in 2007, the government had launched a subsidized micro ...

Indonesia and Singapore to cooperate in implementing Industry 4.0

The Indonesian Industry Ministry will cooperate with Singapore`s Trade and Industry Ministry, which is represented by ...

Improving the welfare of farmers

Most of Indonesia`s population living in rural areas are farmers, whose main income of more than 70 percent comes from ...

Q2 economic growth of 5.27 percent temporary: INDEF

Executive Director of the Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (Indef) Enny Sri Hartati said the ...

Import hike needed to support production sector: Finance Minister

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati has stated a rise in May 2018 imports was needed to support investment in the ...

Government prepares new micro business loan for production sector

The government is preparing a new micro business loan (KUR) scheme to accelerate the distribution of loans to the ...

Expanding red fruit crops in Papua

The Papua provincial government has made every effort to expand the crops of red fruit tree, found very effective for ...

Govt upbeat about its investment target

The investment climate in Indonesia in the last two years has been favorable following investment reforms and an ...

Indonesia`s negative investment list most restrictive: BKPM

Indonesias Negative Investment List (DNI) is the most restrictive regulation in the ASEAN system, Head of the Capital ...