Private investment in economic development projects in Bali last year reached Rp10.06 trillion. The investment ...
- -- Asia, Oceania region ...
- - Progress to date includes 1.2 billion people protected by effective tobacco control ...
- The World Congress on Information Technology (WCIT) will be held in Montréal, from October ...
Indonesia and South Korea held a first Joint Secretariat meeting to discuss the progress of their economic ...
The government should review its plan to raise the price of subsidized fuel oils and find solution to oil ...
The government`s plan to limit the use of subsidized fuel oils beginning April 1, 2012 will raise motorcycle sales at ...
A forum to initiate a mass movement to support stimulate and promote the establishment of bureaucracy reform in ...
Jakarta is bracing for the possibility of floods happening in early 2012 on the same scale as the 2002 and 2007 ...
Public policy observer Andrinov Chaniago has urged the government to mitigate the impacts of big floods which usually ...
Observers have raised criticisms over the government`s step to appoint deputy ministers in the current cabinet ...
Green Building Council (GBC) Indonesia will organize a "Greenright" conference and exhibition at the Jakarta ...
Calls on law enforcing institutions to investigate alleged corruption in government projects have been on the rise ...
At least two projects involving the public-private sector partnership have been highlighted at the World Economic ...
Conflicts in Libya and Yemen may affect world oil supplies to the international market, especially Indonesia as the ...