#pulau we

Collection of pulau we news, found 300 news.

Security authorities ordered to act against companies causing fires

President Joko Widodo has ordered security agencies to take action against companies that have burned fields that have ...

indonesia to propose stronger maritime interdiction to cut drug traffic - (d)

The National Narcotic Agency (BNN) will propose cooperation to strengthen maritime interdiction to cut drug ...

Government evacuates 886 people near Mount Gamalama

The Ternate Administration on Sunday evacuated at least 886 people from three villages near Mount Gamalama which has ...

Indonesia develops infrastructure to prepare for AEC

A free flow of goods, people and services will characterize the launch of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations ...

Lampung Province urged to develop tourism sector

Given its numerous tourist attractions, the Indonesian province of Lampung has been encouraged to develop its tourism ...

Malaysian monitoring post does not violate borderlines: Indonesian military

Chief of the 0911/Nunukan District Military Command Lt. Col. Putra Widastawa said the Malaysian monitoring post built ...

Floods claim four lives in East Nusa Tenggara

Four people were reported killed when floods hit two regencies in East Nusa Tenggara province. Three people in ...

President Joko Widodo gives directives to local military commanders

President Joko Widodo held a meeting with district and resort military commanders from across the country in Pangkalan ...

Four Indonesian naval ships on standby in E. Kalimantan for patrol

The Indonesian navy (TNI AL) has sent four ships to patrol the northern waters of East Kalimantan. KRI Kakap ...

Five warships deployed to secure seventh Bali Democracy Forum

Five Indonesian warships were deployed in Bali waters to secure the Seventh Bali Democracy Forum that is scheduled to ...

News focus : second track diplomacy proves to be effective

Jakarta (ANTARA News)  - Second track diplomacy proves to be effective to help the government promote the ...

Performers also carry out track ii diplomacy: indonesian batik girl

Indonesia Batik Girl 2011 Mia Ismi Halida sent a cultural message to the people of Saint Petersburg, Russia, by ...

Hotspots detected in eight sub-districts in S Kalimantan

A number of hotspots of forest and plantation fires were detected in eight sub-districts in Tanah Laut District, South ...

18 of 20 foreign tourists in sinking boat off Bima saved

At least 18 of 20 foreign tourist reported missing in the sea off Bima, West Nusa Tenggara, were found safe and ...

50 passengers saved after boat caught on fire

Fifty passengers had been saved after their boat caught on fire in Busung islands waters in the district of Indragiri ...