
Collection of purwakarta news, found 212 news.

Jokowi to campaign for Rieke to win West Java governorship

Jakarta`s Governor Joko Widodo (Jokowi) will help in campaigns for Rieke Diah Pitaloka to win West Java governorship. ...

Pertamina saves 10-13 pct on premium gasoline, diesel oil

State-owned oil and gas company Pertamina has been able to save 13 percent on diesel oil and 10 percent on premium ...

PTSP aims to increase bureaucratic efficiency

The chairman of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), Muhammad Chatib Basri, stated that the national single ...

Drought begins to severly affect farmers, food crops

The ongoing drought in Indonesia has begun to affect food crops in various parts of the country, as farmers continue ...

Homeward-bound travelers urged to take safety-first approach

The police have placing ads along the highways, which read "Give Priority to Safety: Your Family Is Waiting For You at ...

Densus 88 anti-terror unit arrests terrorist suspects in W. Java

Police anti-terror unit Densus 88 have again arrested four terrorist suspects in Purwakarta, West Java on Tuesday. ...

Police arrest three terrorists suspect in Purwakarta

The National Police`s Densus 88 counter-terrorism unit arrested three terrorist suspects, identified by their initials ...

SAR team continues searching for missing cessna plane on mt Burangrang

The Search and Rescue (SAR) team on Sunday (Nov. 20) continued the search for the Cessna C172-PK NIP plane that went ...

Lake Jatiluhur fishes die of oxygen shortage : official

The mass fish deaths in Lake Jatiluhur, Purwakarta district, West Java, over the past several days was due to ...

news focus: govt to rehabilitate critically degraded lakes

Hundreds of lakes or reservoirs which are vital to human life in Indonesia are now in bad or even critical condition ...

Govt pays serious attention to dams

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Hatta Rajasa said the government is paying serious attention to dams and ...

Lebaran holiday travelers can take alternative routes

Idul Fitri or Lebaran holiday travelers this year across Java island are advised to take alternative routes. ...

Public called on to stay calm on 8.7-magnitude quake prediction

West Java Governor Ahmad Heryawan has called on the general public to stay calm but remained alert on a prediction ...

Indonesian evacuees in Sanjo need food, blankets

The Indonesian Embassy in Japan said on Sunday that Indonesian evacuees in Sanjo city, Japan, were running short of ...

Indonesian humanitarian team arrives in Yamagata, Japan

A team from the Indonesian Dompet Dhuafa Humanitarian Organization has arrived in Yamagata, one of the regions in ...