South Sulawesi is to host an international cycling event dubbed "Tour de Toraja" in 2012 as part of the regional ...
Dozens of bands from all over ASEAN member states came together for cool night of jamming during ASEAN Rock Music ...
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said here Thursday that despite the long time spent and enormous efforts made by ...
As many as ten cyclists from Semarang who are being prepared at the National Training Center (Pelatnas) for the 26th ...
NATO launched fresh air raids on the Libyan capital Saturday as Moamer Kadhafi`s government said it was ready to ...
Mel Gibson has broken his silence on his damaging domestic violence scandal, calling the leak of angry personal phone ...
- Pangaea and Avalon, a magnet for celebrities in London, Los Angeles, Miami and New York open their most ...
President Barack Obama will launch his 2012 reelection campaign next week via an electronic message to his staunchest ...
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said here Monday that Nowrouz has brought two historical gifts to humanity which are ...
Japan resumed throwing water at a quake-hit nuclear plant early Saturday to avert a catastrophe in what the head of ...
Taiwan will not engage in an arms race with China but will focus instead on making optimal use of its defense budget, ...
- Casio Computer Co., Ltd., announced on Feb. 16 that it has renewed its contract with the ...
The low-budget and widely panned horror flick "The Roommate" opened at the top of the North American box office ...
The speaker of Nepal`s parliament on Thursday urged lawmakers to find a way to end a political deadlock that has left ...
Former president Megawati Soekarnoputri will possibly not make another bid for the presidency in 2014, her party`s ...