
Collection of railway news, found 1.233 news.

President Jokowi to announce winner of high-speed train project bid

President Joko Jokowi Widodo plans to announce the name pf the investor, whose bid has qualified to build a high-speed ...

Japan proposes conducting second feasibility study on fast train project

Japan has sought the Indonesian governments approval to conduct a second feasibility study for the Jakarta-Bandung ...

Lack of good logistics system blamed for rising meat price

Chief economic minister Darmin Nasution has blamed lack of a good logistics system as the cause of rising prices of ...

Capital outflow big: Chief economic minister

Chief economic minister Darmin Nasution admitted here on Thursday that capital outflow tended to be high in the third ...

Indonesia, Singapore establish company in Batam

Indonesian state-owned electronics company Len Industri and Sunseap Enterprises Pte Ltd of Singapore have signed an ...

Thousands of climbers commemorate independence day at Mt Semeru

Thousands of mountain climbers from across the country celebrated the 70th anniversary of Indonesias Independence at ...

Anthony Ha, New General Manager of Hyatt Regency Suzhou and Area Vice President, Begins New Era at Hotel

- Anthony Ha has been appointed general manager of Hyatt Regency Suzhou and area vice president, effective August 1, ...

Rupiah depreciation chance to boost exports

Indonesias rupiah currency has continued to depreciate against the US dollar where since early this year until the ...

Govt focused on sea toll road development

President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo said in his speech that the government is focusing on the construction of the sea ...

Change consumptive paradigm to productive one: President

The people of Indonesia should change their paradigm of consumptive lifestyle to the empowerment of productive sectors ...

China offers US$5.5 billion investment to build high-speed railway line

China Railway Company (CRC) has offered to invest US$5.5 billion to build a high-speed railway line to connect Jakarta ...

Maritime to be one of main axis for progress: President

President Joko Widodo said clusters of islands and vast waters in Indonesia could be used as one of the main axis for ...

Hyatt Regency Suzhou Celebrates its First Anniversary with a Series of Celebration Activities

- The Hyatt Regency Suzhou is preparing four weeks of good times and special events in August 2015 to celebrate the ...

Winner of high speed train contract to be announced this month

The government will announce the winner of the contract for the countrys railway project between two bidders - China ...

govt to decide high-speed railway line end of august: president - (d)

The Indonesian government will decide whether to build a high-speed railway line linking Jakarta and Bandung at the ...