
Collection of rainforest news, found 115 news.

Developing Mount Rinjani tourism through geopark concept

The government of West Nusa Tenggara Province, through the concept of geopark, needs to develop Mount Rinjani region ...

UNESCO should be ready for era of digital economy: Minister Effendy

The UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) should proactively formulate new, creative measures ...

Appeal to protect Leuser ecosystem

The Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra (TRHS) is prioritized after UNESCOs World Heritage Committees decision, in ...

Indonesia questions EU policy on palm oil export

The Indonesian delegation has questioned European Union (EU) policy that impedes export of Indonesian products, ...

Indonesia ready to clarify palm oil ban issue: Minister Hartarto

The Indonesian government is ready to provide an explanation regarding palm oil ban to the European Union (EU) ...

NASR launches emergency number for immediate search and rescue assistance

The Indonesian National Agency of Search and Relief (NASR, formerly BASARNAS) announced today that its emergency ...

WWF releases exclusive summary on Borneo on World Environment Day

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Indonesia and Malaysia released an exclusive publication of "The Environmental Status of ...

NGO calls for firm action against illegal logging in Mt Leuser area

Indonesian Environmental Forum (Walhi) has urged legal enforcers to take firm action against illegal logging ...

EARTH WIRE -- Environmental NGOs write to UNESCO highlighting threat to Leuser Ecosystem

An environmental NGO consortium has sent a letter to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural ...

EARTH WIRE -- Habitats of Sumatran animals continue to decline

The habitats of Sumatran animals, including elephants, tigers, and orangutans, continue to decline due to illegal ...

MetLife is first U.S. insurer to achieve carbon neutrality

- MetLife, Inc. (NYSE: MET) today announced that it has achieved its 2015 goal of carbon neutrality, becoming the first ...

Malaysian customers urgeHSBC to stop funding forest fires in Indonesia

Dissatisfied Malaysian customers on Tuesday presented HSBC with a mock cheque with 228,434 signatures urging the bank ...

EARTH WIRE -- Adat community urged to protect habitats of birds of paradise

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Papua office has urged Papuas Adat community to help protect the habitats of the birds ...

Promoting wildlife importance through Way Kambas Festival

The Way Kambas Festival in the district of East Lampung, Lampung Province, scheduled from November 11 to 13, 2016, ...

Two Rafflesia gadutensis bloom in N. Bengkulu

Bengkulu (ANTARA News) Two Rafflesia gadutensis have bloomed in two different locations in North Bengkulu District, ...