
Collection of researcher news, found 1.453 news.

Rupiah loses value against US dollar

The rupiah value fell against the US dollar closing at the level of 11,990 per dollar on Tuesday weakening from 11,865 ...

Indonesia faces internal and external challenges: Researcher

A researcher of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Ganewati Wuryandari, reported that Indonesia has both ...

Young voters prefer Jokowi-JK pair: survey

Young voters in the age group of 17 to 22 years prefer the Joko Widodo-Jusuf Kalla pair to the Prabowo Subianto-Hatta ...

Jakarta composite index down 23.59 points

The Jakarta composite index (JCI) closed lower on Thursday on investors predicting that the country would post wider ...

Rupiah gains in opening against US dollar

The Indonesian currency rupiah regains some of its losses against the US dollar in the first minutes of trade on ...

Jakarta shares close lower

Jakarta shares closed lower with composite index (JCI) down 0.44 percent on Wednesday on oil price hike in the world ...

Rupiah loses more value against the U.S. dollar

The Indonesian currency rupiah lost more value against the US dollar in the first minutes of trade on Wednesday ...

IID Challenge Promotes "Innovation for Inclusive Development" in Southeast Asia

The Universities and Councils Network on Innovation for Inclusive Development in Southeast Asia (UNIID-SEA) is ...

Jakarta composite index down

The Jakarta composite index opened 0.14 percent lower on Friday on profit taking, analysts said. "Profit ...

Jakarta composite index closes higher on Wednesday

The Jakarta composite index (JCI) closed 0.52 percent higher on Wednesday amid quiet trading. The index of the ...

Rupiah drops 18 points on Wednesday evening

The Indonesian rupiah traded at Rp11,8200 against the dollar in the Jakarta interbank spot market on Wednesday ...

Rupiah down 22 points to rp11,800 on Tuesday

The Indonesian rupiah traded at Rp11,800 against the dollar in the Jakarta interbank spot market on Tuesday evening, ...

Jakarta composite index still on decline

The Jakarta Composite Index (JCI) slipped again 0.18 points in the opening trade on Friday to the level of 4,935.38 ...

Rupiah regains some of its lost value against US dollar

The Indonesian currency rupiah regained some of its losses against the US dollar in the first minutes of trade on ...

Rupiah weakens to 11,862 on Wednesday evening

The Indonesian rupiah traded at the interbank spot market in Jakarta on Wednesday evening weakened 52 points to 11,862 ...