
Collection of researchers news, found 1.250 news.

German special envoy for climate action visits Indonesia

The German Foreign Ministry’s special envoy for international climate action, Jennifer Morgan, made a three-day ...

Genome data sharing to address future pandemic potentials

When the first COVID-19 patient was confirmed in Indonesia in March 2020, experts used several health-related terms, ...

Research infrastructure development boosts Indonesia's competitiveness

Improving research infrastructure and its open platform for everyone was conducted to increase Indonesia's ...

UI, UC Berkeley cooperate to increase research capacity

The University of Indonesia (UI) is cooperating with the University of California (UC Berkeley) U.S. in terms of ...

Satellite imaging database centralization saves state Rp15 tln: BRIN

The centralization of the remote sensing and satellite imaging database has helped the state save Rp15 trillion ...

Increase education, research budget for improved competitiveness: VP

Vice President Ma'ruf Amin accentuated the need to increase the budget for education and research in order to make ...

BRIN's research facilities to bolster development of halal products

The National Research and Innovation Agency's (BRIN's) research facilities are expected to boost the ...

Gov't ensuring women entrepreneurs have room to grow: official

The government is providing more room for the growth of women entrepreneurs through steps such as the issuance of the ...

Kartini Day: First Lady believes in women's awakening against pandemic

First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo stated that the 2022 Kartini Day commemoration should be interpreted as an era of ...

Financial institutions should offer product specifically for women

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati appealed to financial institutions to come up with a special product or service ...

Kartini's spirit to inspire women to pursue their dreams: MPR

Deputy Chairperson of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Lestari Moerdijat expressed firm belief that ...

Russia-Ukraine war's economic impact on Indonesia relatively small

The economic impact of the Russia-Ukraine war on Indonesia was relatively small, as the two countries were not major ...

First lady Iriana presents awards to 514 Indonesian women

First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo, Second Lady Wury Ma'ruf Amin, and Organisation of Solidarity Action of the Onward ...

BRIN optimistic of women researchers continuing to innovate for nation

Indonesia's women researchers must partake in encouraging the national research environment to contribute to the ...

COVID-19 pandemic prompts UI to become entrepreneurial university

The COVID-19 pandemic impelled the University of Indonesia (UI) to become an entrepreneurial university that supports ...