#residential areas

Collection of residential areas news, found 443 news.

Karzai charge killing seven civilians

Afghan President Hamid Karzai Thursday accused NATO-led international forces of killing seven civilians, most of them ...

Thousands of houses in n Sumatra flooded

A flood triggered by heavy rains on Wednesday inundated at least 2,000 houses in Belawan subdistrict, North Sumatra. ...

BPPT to modify weather for SEA Games

The Technology Assessment and Application Agency (BPPT) plans to modify weather in Palembang, South Sumatra, to secure ...

VP leads World Habitat Day 2011

Vice President Boediono led the World Habitat Day 2011, organized by Public Works Ministry, at the vice presidential ...

Soputan, Karangetang mountains still in alert status

Mount Soputan in South Minahasa and Mount Karangetang in Sitaro, North Sulawesi, continue to be in an alert status, a ...

Intiland to spend Rp1 tln on capital expenditures

Publicly-listed property developer PT Intiland Development Tbk has raised its capital expenditures to Rp1 trillion ...

PLN Dumai, Riau to build undersea power lines

Dumai state-owned electricity company (PT PLN) in Riau province, in a grand design will build an undersea power line ...

Govt, REI to develop 20 new urban areas

The government will team up with the Indonesian Real Estate Association (REI) to develop 20 new urban areas in the ...

Sumatran tigers on brink of extinction

The Sumatran Tiger (Panthera Tigris Sumatrae) in Bengkulu province is on the brink of extinction due human activities ...

Floods inundate hundreds of houses in Bandung district

Floods inundated hundreds of houses at Baleendah, Dayeuhkolot and Bojongsoang sub districts, Bandung District, West ...

Caterpillar invasion reaches Denpasar

After breaking out in several eastern parts of Bali, a caterpillar population explosion is now also happening on the ...

Israel uses new anti-missile system as Gaza flares

An Israeli missile system intercepted a rocket fired from Gaza on Thursday in the first known use of Israel`s Iron ...

Govt preparing program to support Mentawai economic recovery

The government is preparing a 11-point program to support the economic recovery of tsunami-devastated Mentawai ...

Police mobilize two personnel to help flood victims

North Sumatra Police have mobilized personnel to help flood victims in the province, a police spokesman said. ...

Serious population boom threatens Indonesia

The National Population and Family Planning Board (BKKBN) stated that the uncontrolled population boom could pose a ...