#rice production

Collection of rice production news, found 406 news.

Unhusked rice production to reach 56.54 million tons: BPS

Indonesia`s unhusked rice production is expected to reach 56.54 million tons during the period between January and ...

Government needs to improve data on rice production

The government needs to improve its data on rice production, as accurate figures will be important in deciding whether ...

Polemic on rice data must be resolved: observer

Al-Azhar University Criminal Law Observer Suparji Ahmad has recommended that the debate about the differences in data ...

Indonesia has no plan to import rice: VP

Vice President Jusuf Kalla has hinted that the Indonesian Government would not implement its rice import policy ...

World Food Day momentum for Indonesia to become world's food barn

The commemoration of the 38th World Food Day in South Kalimantan province offered Indonesia a momentum to become the ...

Minister orders statistics agency to update data over food crops

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Darmin Nasution has ordered the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) to update ...

News focus - Audit needed to end rice import polemic By Andi Abdussalam

The polemic on whether Indonesia needs to import rice once again surfaces in public discourses, prompting the ...

Improving the welfare of farmers

Most of Indonesia`s population living in rural areas are farmers, whose main income of more than 70 percent comes from ...

Ministry must have realistic reasons for importing rice

The Trade Ministry must have realistic and rational reasons while deciding to import rice, agriculture expert Totok ...

Chief economic minister scrutinizes rice production forecast

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Darmin Nasution has scrutinized the rice production forecast by the ...

No need to import rice until June 2019: Bulog

Indonesia will not need to import rice, as it has adequate supply of the staple commodity to meet demand until June ...

No worry about decline in food security

Food security in Indonesia has actually grown strongly, but it is feared to hunt the country with a possible ...

President, economists discuss food problems

President Joko Widodo has invited 11 economists to the State Palace to discuss food problems in the country. ...

Self-reliance in three main commodities still difficult to achieve

Indonesia will still find it difficult to achieve self-reliance in rice, corn and soybean production due to limited ...

Kalla responds to farmers` opposition to rice import plan

Vice President Jusuf Kalla has responded to the farmers, especially those from Java island, after they voiced ...