#rupiah value

Collection of rupiah value news, found 131 news.

Government warned of falling Rupiah values

The government is warned of possible adverse effects of the depreciation of the rupiah value against the US dollar, ...

Foreign exchange reserves enough to hold capital outflow: BI

Bank Indonesia (BI) Governor Perry Warjiyo said that foreign exchange reserves were enough to maintain stability of ...

Domestic requirement should come first before planning export

The government is seeking to push exports of various commodities to reduce deficit in the country`s trade balance as ...

Asian Games 2018

BI asked to move faster in intervention to prop up Rupiah

A lawmaker urges Bank Indonesia (BI) to move faster in forestalling impact of any external factor weakening rupiah to ...

Bank Indonesia considers to further raise interest rate

Bank Indonesia Governor Perry Warjiyo said the Central Bank is considering to further raise its benchmark interest ...

No intention imposing tax on foreign capital yield: Perry

Governor of Bank Indonesia Perry Warjiyo said he had no intention of imposing tax on yields of foreign capital flowing ...

Govt to strengthen balance of payments by stimulating exports

Indonesia will continue to strengthen the external balance (balance of payments) by stimulating export activity ...

Bank Indonesia anticipates capital outflow ahead of FOMC

Bank Indonesia said it will increase supervision and mitigate capital outflow that could reduce the rupiah value ahead ...

Indonesia`s economic growth target set at 5.4-5.8 percent in 2019

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati said the government has set the country`s economic growth target at 5.4-5.8 ...

Rupiah fall only temporary: Central bank

Bank Indonesia (BI) said falling value of the national currency rupiah against the US dollar in the past several week ...

Sharp rupiah depreciation caused by market adjustment:BI

Bank Indonesia described the sharp rupiah depreciation crossing the level of 13,600 per US dollar on Thursday as ...

Indonesian shares close 0.77 percent higher on Monday

The Jakarta composite share price index (IHSG) closed 0.77 percent higher on Monday. The benchmark Indonesian ...

BEI sets target for average daily transaction at Rp9 trillion

The Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI) sets in its target for daily transactions at Rp9 trillion on the average in 2018, ...

External factors weaken rupiah lately : Central bank

Governor of Bank Indonesia (BI) Agus Martowardojo said attributed the sinking rupiah against the US dollar to external ...

Rupiah closes stronger on Friday

The rupiah value against the US dollar strengthened on Friday gaining 128 points to the level of 13,182 per dollar ...