#rupiah value

Collection of rupiah value news, found 131 news.

BI, RBA agree to extend currency swap agreement

Bank Indonesia (BI) and the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) have agreed to renew their bilateral currency swap ...

BI, PBOC extend bilateral currency swap agreement for five years

Bank Indonesia (BI) and the People's Bank of China (PBOC) have agreed to renew their bilateral currency swap ...

Deputy minister plans to push trade of plantation crops

Deputy Minister of Agriculture Sudaryono is keen to push plantation commodities such as coffee, rubber, cloves, ...

Indonesia has strong economic prospects amid Russia-Ukraine war: BI

Governor of Bank of Indonesia (BI) Perry Warjiyo believes that Indonesia has luck on its side for having strong ...

Indonesian govt urged to convince Muslims over Haj trip cancellation

A notable Islamic scholar requested the government, Thursday, to convince the country’s Muslims affected by its ...

BPKH head clarifies controversial statement on Hajj fund utilization

Hajj Fund Management Agency (BPKH) Head Anggito Abimanyu clarified that the government did not cancel Hajj 2020 for ...

Indonesia's Hajj funds are not for foreign exchange intervention: MPR

Deputy Speaker of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Syarief Hasan vehemently disagreed to a discourse on ...

Rupiah still under pressure in 2019: CORE

An economic think tank Center of Reform on Economics (CORE) Indonesia predicted that pressure would keep the country`s ...

CORE Indonesia less conservative in predicting economic growth

Center of Reform on Economics (CORE) Indonesia predicted that the country`s economic growth would be around 5.1-5.2 ...

Rise and fall of rupiah determined by The Fed

The Indonesian currency rupiah fell 12 points against the U.S. dollar in inter-bank transactions in Jakarta on ...

Parliament passes into law RAPBN 2019 in plenary session

The House of Representatives (DPR) has passed into law the draft state budget (RAPBN) 2019 in a plenary session here ...

Increase in dollar value benefits palm oil industry

The export-oriented palm oil industry has, so far, benefited from the strengthening of the US dollar against the ...

Irrelevant to compare condition in 1998 with in 2018: Central Bank

Bank Indonesia said it is very irrelevant to compare rupiah depreciation in 2018 with one in 1998 when the country was ...

Weakness of rupiah value jacks up price of plantation commodities

Weakness in the value of the Rupiah against the United States Dollar (US) that occurred since the last few months has ...

Foreigners control 40 percent of government securities: Legislator

Legislator Juiari P Batubara said foreign companies control some 40 percent of Indonesia`s state debentures and this ...