
Collection of seminar news, found 1.593 news.

BES joins hands with TCEB to Launch ProPak Asia 2014 on June 11-14

-ProPak Asia is Asia's No. 1 international food, drink and pharmaceutical processing, filling and packaging technology ...

Next government expected to ensure food security

The next government of Indonesia after the upcoming July 9, 2014, presidential election is expected to ensure food ...

Indigenous Australian art exhibition opens in Bandung

An exhibition of Indigenous Australian visual art opened Thursday evening at the Galeri Soemardja at Bandung Institute ...

Indonesia Likely To Have Fewer Women In Parliament

Despite the increase in the number of female candidates in the parliamentary elections held throughout Indonesia on ...

RI Needs To Explore New Oil Fields To Increase Production

Indonesia needs to boost oil exploration activities to find new oil fields and increase domestic production, so that ...

IBSS Leads Debate on Asian Pacific Economies

- International Business School Suzhou (IBSS) at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) concluded its second ...

Indonesia to host international tuna fishery workshop

Indonesia will host an international tuna fishery workshop to highlight the fact that several fishery industries in ...

Indonesia named president of Association of Asian Constitutional Courts

Indonesia has been named president of the Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions ...

Albania serves as gate for Indonesia`s products to Balkan states

Indonesias relations with Albania continues to grow as reflected in its increasing trade with that country which also ...

Bill Gates considering plan to built nuclear reactor in Indonesia

Terra Power was considering a request to build a nuclear reactor of the latest generation in Indonesia, an official ...

Legu Gam able to generate people`s economy

Organized by Ternate Sultanate to mark the birthday of the Sultan of Ternate, the annual Legu Gam Festival in North ...

Indonesian new president must maintain anti-graft body: Hikmahanto

Honorary Council Secretary of the Constitutional Court (MK) Hikmahanto Juwana said that the next president who would ...

Indonesia encourages tourists to explore eastern destinations

Indonesia is a large archipelago comprising more than 13 thousand islands and extending over 5,120 kilometers from its ...

RI ranked 70th in terms of food security

Indonesia is ranked 70th in terms of food security, although it is endowed with abundant natural resources. ...

Constitutional Court ready to tackle election disputes

Indonesias Constitutional Court was ready to deal with possible disputes that could emerge from the upcoming ...