#several countries

Collection of several countries news, found 1.395 news.

News Focus

Taking a closer look at Indonesia's chances at UNHRC By Yuni Arisandy

Indonesia's global image is considered to be quite impressive since it has played active roles and held important ...

Indonesia`s human rights record can boost OHCHR member campaign: Marsudi

Indonesia`s track record in protecting and promoting human rights can be an asset for being selected to sit in the ...

Jokowi inaugurates five new ambassadors

Five new ambassadors, who will represent Indonesia in several countries, were inaugurated by President Joko Widodo ...

News focus - Millennials in quandary over whether to vote or not

A student group self-proclaimed as "I am Millennial Abstainers" (Saya Milenial Golput/SMG), threatening to ...

News focus - Reviewing acceleration and results of Indonesia`s economic diplomacy

The current global economic situation is experiencing significant pressure, changes, and challenges, with the tendency ...

Indonesia`s never-ending support for Palestine

Indonesia`s first participation in the UN Security Council`s open debate on the Middle Eastern condition in New York ...

Komodo national park earned Rp32 billion in 2018

The Komodo National Park recorded revenue amounting to Rp32 billion from tourist visits to the park during 2018, an ...

indonesia`s 2018 trade deficit hit record high of us$8.57 billion

Indonesia`s trade deficit last year reached a record high of US$8.57 billion since 1975, according to the Central ...

Palestinian issue remains Indonesia`s foreign policy priority: MOFA

The Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has confirmed that the Palestinian issue will always be prioritized in its ...

Economic diplomacy prioritized to expand Indonesia's export markets: Foreign Minister

Economic diplomacy has become one of the priorities of the Indonesian foreign policy by boosting the country's ...

Government urged to regulate use of marijuana for health

The Institute for Criminal Justice Reform has urged the Indonesian government to adjust the Regulations of Narcotics, ...

Year ender - Indonesia can become global player through economic diplomacy with Africa

Economic diplomacy with Africa has become one of priorities of the foreign policy of Indonesia, under Joko Widodo`s ...

Indonesia has opportunity to participate in Iraq, Syrian reconstruction projects

Indonesian construction companies have the opportunity to participate in postwar reconstruction of infrastructures in ...

Year Ender - Democracy must bring prosperity to people by Azis Kurmala

The year 2018 marks the 11th year of the Bali Democracy Forum, a unique Forum that Indonesia has been hosting ...

Indonesian industry ministry promotes fashion products in France

Industry Ministry`s Directorate General, Small and Medium Industries, supports driving fashion product exports by ...