
Collection of ship news, found 2.327 news.

Minister appoints Pelni-ASDP to serve passengers from Muara Angke

The government has appointed state-run firms PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (Pelni) and PT Angkutan Sungai, Danau, ...

Ministry asked to review ferry service standardization

The Indonesian Consumers Institution (YLKI) has urged the Ministry of Transportation to review safety standards and ...

DVI team identifies victims of burning ferry in North Jakarta

The Jakarta Metro Jaya Police assigned the Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) team to identify the dead victims of ...

Yearender -- Indonesia`s role in handling maritime piracy in ASEAN

Maritime piracy and sea border security has been one of biggest problems faced by countries in Southeast Asia region ...

President Jokowi inaugurates power plant vessel in Kupang

Indonesian President Joko Widodo has inaugurated the Marine Vessel Power Plant from Turkey which is currently anchored ...

Indonesian researcher explores Antarctica`s geology

Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Yogyakartas researcher Nugroho Imam Setiawan arrived in Antarctica on Friday (Dec 23) to ...

Hostage crisis finally ends with release of last two Indonesians

The year 2016 was tainted by five hostage-taking incidents, occurring between March and July, with a total of 24 ...

SOE minister visits Merak Ferry Port

State-owned Enterprises (SOE) Minister Rini M Soemarno and Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi visited Merak ...

Authority arrests six sea pirates in Batam

The Western Fleet Quick Response (WFQR) Team of Lantamal IV/Tanjungpinang naval base on Monday arrested six suspected ...

Yearender - Govt likely to delay establishment of holding firms

The government plans to establish 15 state-owned holding companies to group by sector some 119 state-owned enterprises ...

Govt secures release of two Indonesians held by Abu Sayyaf

The government of Indonesia has secured the release of two crew men from the TB Charles ship, who had been held ...

Indonesia, Singapore cooperate in tourism, energy

Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Luhut Binsar Panjaitan said Indonesia and Singapore have agreed to ...

U.S. marine pilot dies after ejecting from plane off Japan

A U.S. Marine pilot has died after he ejected from his FA-18C+ fighter jet as the aircraft went down off the coast of ...

EARTH WIRE - Addressing crimes against wild plants and animals

Crimes against wild animals and plants need serious attention, as many plants and animals face the threat of ...

Govt to establish four SOE holdings by 2017

The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) will begin the process to establish four holdings or parent companies ...