
Collection of shrimp news, found 317 news.

Investment on fisheries set at Rp23 trillion

The Ministry of Maritime and Fisheries Affairs (KKP) has set itself the target of Rp23.67 trillion investment in the ...

RI still depends on fish imports: Activist

Indonesian still depends on fish imports as importing fish is still a main trend in the country`s fishery food policy ...

Bali`s exports of canned fish worth $15.47 m

Bali exported US$15.47 million worth of canned fish in the first half of this year or a 43.8 percent increase from the ...

RI and France Develop INDESO to Manage Indonesian Sea

The Government of Indonesia and France through France Government Agency which operates in development sector ...

Four ASEAN Countries Strengthened the Fishery Partnership

Indonesia held a meeting of the 10th BIMP-EAGA of The Development of Natural Resources Cluster with four regional ...

Indonesia Is Not Afraid to Work on European Union Market

The Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Sharif C. Sutardjo attended the opening of Frozen Seafood International ...

Indonesia Is Not Afraid to Work in European Union Market

The Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Sharif C. Sutardjo attended the opening of Frozen Seafood International ...

Indonesia Promotes Fishery Products to Attract European Market

Indonesia is promoting the potential of fishery products in order to improve penetration into the European market as ...

KKP Eliminates 28 Tons Imported Fish from China

Head of Quarantine, Quality Control and Safety of Fisheries Product (BKIPM) Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries ...

Democrat party chief feels vilified by public opinion

Ruling Democrat Party chairman Anas Urbaningrum said he felt he was being constantly vilified and cornered by public ...

Govt to maintain ban on fish, shrimp imports

Fisheries Minister Fadel Muhammad said the government would maintain its policy to ban the importation of of fish and ...

Fadel to Prohibit Pearl from China to Indonesia

Pearl is a specific non-consumption fisheries product which becomes Indonesian pride and identity, as well as economy ...

Lampung`s exports to Japan fall

Lampung province`s exports of several non-oil/non-gas commodities to Japan fell following the March 11 earthquake and ...

Vice President to open national farmers-fishermen`s week

Vice President Boediono is scheduled to open a National Farmers-Fishermen`s Week 2011 (Penas 2011) in Tenggarong, ...

Maluku`s exports reach $24 mln

Maluku province earned US$24.4 million from exporting various commodities in the first four months of 2011, with fish ...