
Collection of smallpox news, found 35 news.

Airport staff should watch out for monkeypox symptomatic passengers

Chairman of the COVID-19 Task Force from the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI), Professor Zubairi Djoerban, urged ...

Central Java monkeypox case not confirmed yet: ministry

A suspected monkeypox infection in Central Java province has not been confirmed yet, the Ministry of Health informed on ...

Gov't supports efforts to improve monkeypox detection capabilities

The government will support efforts to boost the capacity of health and laboratory officers in detecting the monkeypox ...

Doctors must remain alert for monkeypox symptoms: IDI

The Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) has asked all doctors to remain alert for the symptoms of monkeypox in ...

Government readies facilities for early detection of monkeypox

The Indonesian government has readied facilities for early detection of monkeypox, as the World Health Organization ...

Smallpox vaccine can protect against monkeypox: health minister

Smallpox vaccines are still considered effective in protecting recipients against monkeypox, Health Minister Budi ...

DPR urges central government to anticipate monkeypox transmission

Commission IX of the House of Representatives (DPR) has asked the central government to take anticipatory measures ...

Boost promotion of healthy lifestyle to prevent monkeypox: Virologist

The promotion of a clean and healthy lifestyle should be strengthened in order to prevent the spread of the monkeypox ...

Smallpox vaccine still effective against monkeypox: ministry

The smallpox vaccine is still effective in preventing the transmission of monkeypox among humans, spokesperson for the ...

Low immunization during pandemic triggers outbreak: Health Ministry

Low immunization coverage during the COVID-19 pandemic can potentially cause extraordinary outbreaks (KLB) of several ...

Situation under COVID-19 pandemic, Spanish flu similar: historian

Conditions under the COVID-19 pandemic that is plaguing countries around the globe, including Indonesia, bear ...

News Focus

On the importance of lockdown: lessons from plague control in Java

It has been nearly a month since Indonesia recorded its first novel coronavirus infection, but the authorities are yet ...

News Focus

Before coronavirus, the world once fought off smallpox

The whole world is currently battling a new virus strain that causes acute respiratory complications — the novel ...

Government orders shutting down of illegal mines

Vice President Ma'ruf Amin affirmed that the government will issue a presidential regulation to follow up on mining ...

Indonesia sets precautionary measures to fight spread of monkeypox

Singapore, a city state which is located next to the Indonesian island of Batam, has been shocked by a case of ...