
Collection of solid news, found 1.277 news.

Delay possible for Gaddafi`s burial

Libya`s ruling National Transitional Council (NTC) has yet to form a solid plan on the time and location for burying ...

Democrat Party satisfied with cabinet reshuffle results : Anas

Ruling Democrat Party Chief Anas Urbaningrum said the party was satisfied with the results of the cabinet reshuffle ...

New intelligence chief asked to improve coordination

Chief Security Minister Djoko Suyanto has asked the newly-installed State Intelligence Agency (BIN) chief Lt Gen ...

India test fires Agni-II missile

India`s nuclear-capable, surface-to-surface Agni-II ballistic missile, with a strike range of 2000 kms, was on Friday ...

Barito Pacific`s profit increases eight-fold

PT Barito Pacific Tbk (BRPT) said on Tuesday its net profit increased eight-fold to Rp226.4 billion in the first ...

Will RI soccer team be able to defeat Qatar ? by bustanuddin - (d)

Indonesian senior soccer team coach Wim Rijsbergen has asked a total of 26 players to do intensive exercises at the ...

RI FM asks NAM members to give Palestine solid support

Foreign Affairs Minister Marty Natalegawa has called on member countries of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) to be solid ...

Trash bank empowers people at grassroots level

Trash bank as part of efforts to overcome ubiquitous problem in Indonesia is also able to empower the people`s economy ...

RI to send agricultural expert team to Gambia

The Indonesian government is to send some agricultural experts to Gambia as part of its commitment to assisting other ...

To play Iran, RI soccer team should foster spirit

The Indonesian senior soccer team completed its three try-out matches which were all conducted in the Islamic ...

RI convinced it is able to fend off financial turmoil

The prolonged global financial crisis and the fall of Indonesia`s composite index early this week have prompted ...

RI should play greater role in int`l affairs

A member of the House of Representatives from Commission I, TB Hasanuddin, said Indonesia should play a greater role ...

People call for openness in Nazaruddin`s judicial process

Various quarters have called for transparency in Nazaruddin`s judicial process so that those who feel uncomfortable ...

Finance Minister: RI economy safe from US, European crisis

Indonesia`s debts have been managed well and its economic fundamentals are solid so its economy will not be affected ...

Telkom wins five awards from Finance Asia

State telecommunications operator won five awards from Finance Asia magazine for the categories of Asia`s Best Managed ...