
Collection of sought news, found 2.125 news.

News Focus

Youths usher in 75th Independence Day by embracing personal freedom

Free and freedom are the two answers given by most youths in response to the question: what is a word you think about ...

Indonesia abstains on US resolution extending Iran arms embargo

Indonesia chose to abstain or declined to vote for extension of the UN resolution to extend an arms embargo on Iran as ...

People's safety is highest principle of state governance: DPR speaker

House of Representatives (DPR) Speaker Puan Maharani laid emphasis on the fact that the people's safety is the ...

Six-month parental leave sought for female workforce for breastfeeding

Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Minister Gusti Ayu Bintang Darmawati will seek a solution for female ...

East Java Police kill suspected drug dealer attempting gun assault

East Java police launched a crackdown on a local drug ring and killed suspected drug dealer Vicky Erdianto, 25, Monday, ...

COVID-19 vaccine candidate clinical trial prioritizes efficacy, safety

Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) Head Penny Lukito emphasized that efficacy along with guaranteed safety and ...

S Kalimantan police confirm 300-kg crystal meth smuggled from Malaysia

South Kalimantan Police Chief Inspector General Nico Afinta reported, Friday, that 300 kilograms (kg) of crystal ...

Police lauded for intercepting 200-kg meth trade in Banjarmasin

Banjarmasin Mayor Ibnu Sina commended the National Police for thwarting the attempt of two drug dealers to trade 200 ...

Bio Farma commences phase 3 clinical trial for COVID-19 vaccine

State-owned vaccine manufacturer Bio Farma has begun the third phase of the clinical trial for a COVID-19 vaccine from ...

First WELL Portfolio Scores demonstrate commitment to health through a portfolio-wide approach

The International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) today announced that global real estate leaders JLL and Lendlease are ...

Nusakambangan prison has sufficient vacant cells for drug offenders

The Indonesian Legal and Human Rights Ministry hinted its support for transferring convicted drug dealers and producers ...

Jakarta police thwart attempt to transport 131-kg crystal meth

The South Jakarta Metropolitan Police officers confiscated 131 kilograms (kg) of crystal methamphetamine found aboard a ...

Jakarta police uncovered 2,849 drug cases during Jan-early Aug 2020

During the Jan-Aug 2020 period, the Jakarta Metropolitan Police uncovered 2,849 drug cases; apprehended 3,586 suspects; ...

Aceh's law enforcement apparatus seized 219.87-kg meth in Jan-July

Indonesian law enforcement agencies in Aceh Province were successful in foiling the attempts of drug traffickers to ...

Government approves Rp16.5-trillion loan for Jakarta, W Java

The government has sanctioned Rp16.5 trillion in loans for Jakarta and West Java provinces to fund infrastructure ...