#state companies

Collection of state companies news, found 253 news.

Rini proposes six holding companies for BUMNs

Minister of State Enterprises Rini Soemarno has proposed six holding companies for around 140 state companies (BUMNs) ...

Rini on business development of state companies

Minister for State Enterprises (BUMN) Rini Soemarno called a meeting with the press on Monday speaking in general ...

BRI leads in social efficiency, Pertamina in business efficiency

A researcher said the government needs to be clearer in the direction of its policy to improve the performance of ...

State companies ready to absorb up to Rp300 trillion of repatriated fund

Minister for State Enterprises Rini Soemarno said a number of state companies (BUMN) could make use of up to Rp300 ...

Coordinating ministry holds meeting on rights issue

The Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs held a coordination meeting with relevant ministries on Tuesday to ...

Beef imports to bring down soaring prices arriving

The high demand for beef in the current fasting month of Ramadan has caused the price of the commodity to soar from ...

House approves capital injection for 20 state companies

Commission VI of the House of Representatives has decided to approve state capital participation (PMN) for 20 state ...

House rejects capital injection for three state companies

The Houses Commission VI overseeing state enterprises has rejected the governments proposal for capital participation ...

Govt to do its best to reduce beef prices: President

The government will do its best to bring down beef prices by importing the commodity and developing pedigree cattle ...

Indonesian ministers coordinate to overcome price instability

The Indonesian government is cooperating with related ministries and institutions to strengthen coordination to ...

Pertamina hopes to cut losses by us$200 million through efficiency

PT Pertamina said it hopes to save US$200 million under its efficiency program by reducing losses in oil stream in ...

High, normal speed trains projects can run simultaneously: VP Kalla

The Jakarta-Bandung high speed and the Jakarta-Surabaya normal speed railway trains projects can run simultaneously, ...

Russia interested in building railway transport facility in Kalimantan

Russia is interested in building railway mass transport facility in Kalimantan, Coordinating Minister for Economy ...

President Jokowi returns from Russia

Aboard special presidential aircraft RI-1, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and his entourage arrived at Halim ...

President Jokowi has stopover in Abu Dhabi

Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and his entourage had a stopover in Abu Dhabi on Friday on the way back from ...