
Collection of stations news, found 2.079 news.

Jokowi condoles deaths of over 90 election officers

Calling them “democracy’s heroes”, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has expressed his deepest ...

Another overworked election officer dies, toll reaches 92

Polling Station (TPS) No 1 Head in Adodo Molu Village, Tanimbar Islands District, Maluku, Selvianus Itranbey died of ...

News Focus

Indonesia holds most complex legislative and presidential elections

Indonesia held the world's biggest and most complex single-day vote on April 17, 2019, where 192 million people ...

House speaker condoles deaths of 54 election officers

House Speaker Bambang Soesatyo has condoled the deaths of 54 officers of polling stations (KPPS) and 10 policemen ...

KPPS heads die of overwork after logging long hours

Bengkalis General Election Office (KPU) Head Fadihilah Al Mausuly confirmed the deaths of two heads of the Riau polling ...

Early counts show Jokowi winning 54.76 percent of vote: KPU

The preliminary election result from the General Election Commission's (KPU's) Ballot Count Information System ...

House Speaker calls for revoting to be devoid of violations

House Speaker Bambang Soesatyo has made an appeal to the General Election Commission (KPU), local KPUs (KPUD), and the ...

Jokowi-Amin pair outstrips Subianto-Uno in Brunei Darussalam

Ma'ruf Amin presidential and vice-presidential candidate pair have outdistanced the Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno ...

Re-voting on Bintan added three polling stations

The number of polling stations (TPS) in re-voting in Bintan district, Riau Islands province is increased to four  ...

Jokowi-Ma'ruf still ahead of Prabowo-Sandi

The vote-counting information system of the General Election Commission (KPU) has recorded 8.26 percent of the scanned ...

Jokowi-Ma'ruf comes through with flying colors in Ampui Pangkalpinang

Ma'ruf Amin a lead over Prabowo-Uno. "Presidential candidate number 01 garnered 999 votes, while number 02 ...

Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin still excel based on KPU's count

The presidential and vice presidential candidate pair number 01, Joko Widodo-Ma'ruf Amin, is still ahead of pair ...

KPU agrees to conduct revote in Palu on Bawaslu's recommendation

The Palu City General Election Commission (KPU) Chairperson Agussalim Wahid expressed readiness to hold a revote ...

Nine policemen die while securing Indonesia's elections: Minister

Home Minister Tjahjo Kumolo has expressed his deep condolences to the families of the nine policemen who died of ...

Indonesia's simultaneous elections considered exhausting

The process to elect the president, vice president, legislators and senators organized simultaneously across Indonesia ...