
Collection of strengthened news, found 1.861 news.

Rupiah correction occurs early this week as Asian currencies tumble

A correction again occurred in the exchange rate of the rupiah traded at the Jakarta interbank market earlier this week ...

MUI lauds UNSC for being against Israel encroachment in Palestine

Secretary General of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Anwar Abbas was all praises for the United Nations Security ...

Votes of NasDem, Golkar, Democrats strengthen toward House of Rep

Votes for the National Democratic Party (NasDem), the Golkar Party, and the Democratic Party strengthened, with them ...

JCI ends week higher amid trade war sentiment

The composite stock price index (IHSG) of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) at the end of the week closed higher in ...

FAO and WHO support Indonesia to control antimicrobial resistance

Indonesia has taken a positive step by reviewing the implementation of the 2017-2019 Antimicrobial Resistance National ...

IHSG closes higher on Tuesday evening

The Jakarta composite index (IHSG) closed higher on Tuesday evening as investors' worries about the US-China trade ...

News Focus

Indonesia's economic growth remains robust

Global economic gains are occurring, albeit at a slower-than-expected pace, along with less uncertainty originating in ...

Indonesia's first-quarter economic performance remains positive: BI

Bank Indonesia (BI) has stated that the country's economic performance in the first quarter of 2019 remained ...

ASEAN+3's financial cooperation needed to mitigate global challenges

Financial cooperation amongst ASEAN+3 will mitigate global challenges by stimulating consumption and trade in the ...

Rupiah falls on high demand for dollars

The rupiah fell in the Jakarta inter-bank spot market on Tuesday evening on a high demand for US dollars. The ...

Indonesia, FAO collaborate to overcome diseases in chicken layer farms

The Indonesian Government has been collaborating with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) ...

IHSG sinks 2.56 points Wednesday amid increase in global shares

The Jakarta composite share price index (IHSG) opened lower, Wednesday, with the Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI) index ...

IDX stock fluctuations under control after elections

The fluctuations in the Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG) after the general election on April 17, 2019, have largely ...

Rupiah strengthens following presidential election quick vote count

The exchange rate of the rupiah being transacted among banks in Jakarta on Thursday morning strengthened after the ...

Novotech CRO strengthens South Korean clinical capabilities, partners with 2 major hospitals

Novotech, the award-winning Asia-Pacific CRO with 23 years of experience in the region, has further strengthened its ...