
Collection of sukhoi news, found 234 news.

Russia quips US over Indonesian Sukhoi purchase

Russian Ambassador to Indonesia Mikhail Galuzin quipped the US in response to Jakartas Sukhoi aircraft purchase, ...

South China Sea challenges ASEAN at 50

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) celebrates its 50th anniversary this year. During the five decades ...

Indonesia plans to buy Sukhoi SU-35

The Indonesian government plans to buy 11 Sukhoi SU-35 Flanker fighter jets to strengthen the countrys air defense, ...

Indonesia urges technology transfer on weaponry system cooperation

The Indonesian government has called for prioritizing technology transfer on weaponry system cooperation, which can ...

Sukhoi jet fighters ready to intercept ISIS infiltrators

Three Sukhoi jet fighters of the Indonesian Air Force are parked in Tarakan, North Kalimantan ready to help prevent ...

President congratulates Air Force on its 71st anniversary from cockpit

President Joko Widodo here on Sunday congratulated the Air Force on its 71st anniversary from the cockpit of Sukhoi ...

Indonesian Air Force must be free from corruption: Chief of staff

Air Marshall Hadi Tjahjanto, Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU), has said that the Air Force must be ...

Indonesian Air Force displays power on 71st anniversary

The Indonesian Air Force celebrated its 71st anniversary with a spectacular air power display of 132 jet fighters, ...

Indonesia, Russia explore cooperation in cyber defense

The governments of Indonesia and Russia are exploring cooperation in cyber defense, especially the prevention of cyber ...

New Air Force Chief of Staff prioritizes transparency

The new Indonesian Air Force Chief of Staff, Air Marshal TNI Hadi Tjahjanto, said he will prioritize transparency when ...

Indonesia, Russia yet to agree on Sukhoi SU-35 price

Indonesias Minister of Defense Ryamizard Ryacudu said he was yet to reach an agreement about the Sukhoi SU-35s price ...

Military relations with China at best level: Indonesian ambassador

The military relations between Indonesia and China are currently at the best level in the entire history of the ties ...

New fighter jets to boost Kupang airbase security

Four Sukhoi-type fighter jets will soon be stationed at El Tari airbase in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), to help ...

President jOKOWI witnesses airborne exercise in natuna islands

Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and First Lady Iriana Widodo witnessed the Angkasa Yudha airborne exercise ...

Russian Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker crashed outside Moscow, killing pilot

A Russian Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker fighter jet crashed outside Moscow on Thursday killing its pilot, the RIA news ...