President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said the benefit of constructing a highway connecting Palembang and Indralaya must be ...
The East Lampung district government in Lampung province is making every effort to turn Way Kambas National Park (WKNP ...
The newly established Peatland Restoration Agency (BRG) should be supported in its efforts to restore peatland areas ...
Indonesia continues to develop ecotourism in a bid to conserve the environment and improve the well-being of the local ...
President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in Ogan Ilir District, South Sumatra, on Sunday, inspected construction works of ...
South Kalimantan is expected to maintain surplus in rice production this year despite the lengthy drought that has ...
Members of Indonesian and US Marine Corps were involved in a shooting drill at the Baluran Marine Combat Training ...
The Indonesian Marine Amphibious Reconnaissance Force started a joint exercise program with the US Marines in ...
Cargo ship Journey sank after hitting MV Lambelu at the port of Tanjung Perak of Surabaya, East Java in early ...
Sumatras Riau Province is badly hit by forest and plantations fires, and the largest number of the hotspots detected ...
Indonesia`s mangrove swamp is the largest in the world, covering some 3.2 million hectares, or 22 percent of the total ...
The United States through its embassy in Jakarta has agreed to provide US$6 million in grants to fund joint researches ...
Dozens of environmental activists from Greenpeace Indonesia held a rally at the parking lot of a Kentucky Fried ...
Besides protecting the ecology and biodiversity, the existence of biosphere reserves in Indonesia should also improve ...
A total of 18 countries will participate in a discussion on Man and Biosphere concepts in Pekanbaru, Riau province, ...