
Collection of tanzania news, found 199 news.

Three Indonesian female climbers scale Argentina`s mount Aconcagua

Three Indonesian female climbers, part of the Women of Indonesias Seven Summits Expedition Mahitala Unpar (WISSEMU) ...

Indonesia drumming up African support for ICAO council seat

The Indonesian government is lobbying African countries for support in its bid to win a seat at the Council of the ...

1,100 Japanese tourists visiting Indonesia

As many as 1,100 Japanese visitors, including businessmen, parliamentarians and government officials, have just ...

Indonesia becomes member of UNESCO World Heritage Committee

Indonesia and 20 other countries have been appointed members of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (World ...

Eight foreign journalists visit Bank Papua

Eight journalists from African and Pacific countries visited Bank Papua on Tuesday to learn about economic ...

Indonesia to host initiatives for capacity building in Asia-Africa

The government of Indonesia, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, will undertake several capacity building ...

Airlines welcome visa free facility, offering discount

Airlines began to race offering discount in welcoming the government policy which offers visa free facility for short ...

President Jokowi signs decree for visa-free facility for 75 countries

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has signed a Presidential Decree (Perpres) No.104/2015 on a visit visa exemption for ...

Smile Closes USD365 Million Financing to Accelerate its 4G LTE Network Expansion in Africa

-Smile Telecoms Holdings Ltd ("Smile"), which owns and operates mobile wireless 4G LTE broadband networks in the ...

The 118th Canton Fair "The perfect platform for boosting Sino-African trade"

- This autumn the Canton Fair will boost Sino-African trade through the continuation of its successful partnership ...

Asian Education Officials to Explore School Dropout at International Summit

- Education officials from Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Tajikistan and Timor-Leste will join approximately 200 ...

Indonesia should not serve as market for other countries

Indonesia, the fourth most populous country in the world, should not take pride on its big population and potential ...

President Jokowi renounces customary celebration of Idul Fitri

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) celebrating Idul Fitri in Indonesias westernmost province of Aceh on Friday is a ...

IORA should boost development of shipbuilding industry: Expert

The Indonesian government must utilize the momentum of holding a meeting of the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) in ...

Tanzania loses 80% of forest in Eastern Arc Mountains: WWF

World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), the worlds leading conservation organization, said on Sunday that Tanzania has lost ...