#the central bank

Collection of the central bank news, found 1.851 news.

Current account balance expected to improve: BI

Bank Indonesia (BI) predicted that the countrys current account deficit would narrow with the declining trend of oil ...

Bank Indonesia on alert for possible capital outflow

Bank Indonesia is on alert for possible capital outflow, expected to occur in the second quarter if the countrys ...

Jakarta index opens high on Wednesday

The Jakarta composite index (JCI) opened higher on Wednesday reflecting positive reaction of the market players to ...

Rupiah gains against US dollar on Wednesday

The Indonesian currency rupiah gains against the US dollar in interbank transaction closing at the level of 12,976 ...

advices and warnings over falling value of rupiah

Business leaders began to express frustration of the shrinking value of rupiah with sign that the worst is yet to come ...

Jakarta composite index closes higher on Thursday

The Jakarta composite index (JCI) closed 0.38 percent higher on Thursday to follow the rupiah appreciation against the ...

Indonesian foreign debts grows 10.1 percent yoy to US$299 billion

Indonesian foreign debts swelled to US$298.6 billion by the end of January or a 10.1 percent increase year-on-year, ...

BI may continue to implement tight monetary policy

Bank Indonesia (BI) has indicated that it will continue to implement a tight monetary policy this year to maintain ...

Rupiah regains some of its lost value against US dollar

The Indonesian currency rupiah regains some of its lost value against the US dollar closing at the level of 13,185 per ...

Jakarta index closes slightly higher, rupiah down in value

The Jakarta composite index (JCI) closed slightly higher on Monday on government pledge to prevent rupiah from diving ...

Government repeats saying that rupiah shrinking value normal

The Indonesian government repeated saying that the rupiah weakening is normal amid growing concern over the shrinking ...

BI denies letting rupiah weaken against dollar

Bank Indonesia (BI) denied on Tuesday that it let the rupiah weaken against the dollar to boost export-led growth. ...

Indonesia`s macroeconomic stability maintained: Bank Indonesia

Macroeconomic fundamentals and stability were maintained despite the fluctuation and depreciation of the value of ...

Indonesia`s foreign exchange reserves increase to US$115.5 billion

Indonesias foreign exchange reserves increased, as of the end of February 2015, totaling US$115.5 billion, up by ...

Bank Indonesia, PPATK enhance cooperation to prevent money laundering

Bank Indonesia (BI) and the Financial Transactions Analysis and Reporting Center (PPATK) have improved their ...