#the hajj

Collection of the hajj news, found 1.062 news.

Government will not halt Umrah embarkation: Religious Affairs Minister

Religious Affairs Minister Yaqut Cholil Qoumas emphasized that the government will not stop the departure of Umrah ...

Umrah service providers test positive for COVID-19

Several members of the advance team of the Umrah travel service provider bureau tested positive for COVID-19 after ...

Indonesia suspends umrah pilgrims' departures for evaluation

The Religious Affairs Ministry has suspended the departures of umrah pilgrims starting from January 15, to give ...

1,023 Indonesian pilgrims have left for Umrah so far: deputy minister

At least 1,023 Indonesian pilgrims left for Umrah in Saudi Arabia from January 8–11, 2022, Deputy Minister ...

Indonesia waiting for confirmation for Hajj: deputy minister

While Umrah pilgrimage has opened, the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs is still waiting for confirmation from ...

Garuda Indonesia re-opens its Umrah flight service

National airline carrier Garuda Indonesia resumed its service to transport Indonesian Umrah pilgrims, as Saudi Arabia ...

Umrah pilgrims urged to observe Saudi health protocols

The Religious Affairs Ministry has urged Umrah pilgrims to follow the local health protocols during their stay in Saudi ...

Ministry asks Umrah operators to follow One Gate Policy

The Ministry of Religious Affairs has reminded operators of Umrah pilgrimages (PPIU) to comply with the One Gate Policy ...

Religious Affairs Ministry embarks 419 people to perform Umrah

The Religious Affairs Ministry embarked as many as 419 people to perform Umrah on Saturday, thereby marking ...

Surabaya to boost surveillance amid spread of Omicron

The Surabaya City Health Service in East Java Province has increased surveillance to prevent the spread of the new ...

Aceh's residents on 31-year waiting list for Mecca hajj: Official

Aceh Province's residents, who registered for going on hajj to the holy city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, starting from ...

COVID-19 Task Force facilitates quarantine for nine entry points

The Indonesian COVID-19 Handling Task Force has facilitated quarantine places for all overseas travelers passing ...

Govt increases Isolation sites to anticipate Omicron case spike

The Indonesian government has increased the number of quarantine facilities as a precautionary measure against an ...

Need mitigation strategy for first batch of Umrah pilgrims: ministry

The departure of the first batch of Umrah pilgrims during the COVID-19 pandemic will require an optimal mitigation ...

Religious Affairs Ministry postpones Umrah departure until early 2022

The departure of Indonesian Umrah pilgrims will be postponed until 2022 after President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) appealed ...