#the netherlands

Collection of the netherlands news, found 1.523 news.

Trade ministry optimistic of achieving TEI transaction target

The Trade Ministry expressed its optimism of realizing the target of US$1.5 billion in total transactions during the ...

First day of trade expo marked with 44 trade contracts

The first days on Wednesday of the international Trade Expo Indonesia (TEI) 2018 held at the Indonesia Convention ...

E Java, PUM Netherlands continue cooperation in apple farming

The East Java Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) and a Dutch volunteer organization PUM Netherlands have ...

EU ambassadors visit Palu to express solidarity

A delegation of European Union (EU) Heads of Mission visited Palu in Central Sulawesi on Friday to express solidarity ...

IWBI launches global network of advisors for WELL Portfolio

- The International WELL Building Institute™ (IWBI™) today announced the formation of a global advisory to help ...

Industry 4.0 to put Indonesia among top 10 economies

The fourth industrial revolution, also known as industry 4.0, is expected to make Indonesia one of the top 10 ...

Spending by tourists during Asian Games reaches Rp3.7 trillion

A survey by the National Development Planning Board (Bappenas) and the Economic and Community Study Institute of the ...

IMF-WB - Smart travel guitars showcased at indonesia pavilion

Two smart travel guitars are displayed at one of the Indonesia Pavilion corners showcasing the products of small and ...

News Focus - Living in the ring of fire needs continuing preparations

A string of earthquakes has continuously been shaking different parts of Indonesia over these past three months. No ...

Foreign Minister Retno stays calm in facing earthquake

Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno LP Marsudi has her own way of managing a worrying situation, like facing an ...

IMF-WB - Balinese mask craftsmen show off skills at Indonesian Pavilion

A number of craftsmen showed off their skills and creativity at the Indonesian Pavilion exhibition, including a ...

news focus - efforts to strengthen defense in eastern indonesia by otniel tamindael

Formerly known as Pitu airport, Leo Wattimena is a private airport located on the southern coast of Morotai Island ...

Indonesia receives financial information from 58 countries

Indonesia has received financial information from 58 countries adopting the Automatic Exchange of Information (AEoI) ...

PT. Inalum exports aluminum to Malaysia

PT Inalum (Persero), a state-owned primary aluminum producer, has boosted the exports of its product to Malaysia and ...

Kalla, Maxima discuss financial inclusion

Indonesian Vice President M Jusuf Kalla held a meeting with Queen Maxima of the Netherlands to discuss financial ...