#third phase

Collection of third phase news, found 188 news.

BPOM ensures validity of protocols for COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial

Chairwoman of the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) Penny Kusumastuty Lukito echoed her office's guarantee of ...

Bio Farma upbeat about commencing Sinovac vaccine production in 2021

Indonesia's state-owned pharmaceutical holding, Bio Farma, is optimistic of starting production of the Chinese ...

VP Amin hopes COVID-19 vaccine would become available mid-2021

Vice President Ma'ruf Amin has expressed the hope that a COVID-19 vaccine would become available by mid-2021, or ...

Operation Tinombala extended in Poso to catch 14 fugitives

Indonesian Police Chief General Idham Azis took a decision to extend Operation Tinombala as the second-phase operation ...

COVID-19: Recoveries increase by 235 to reach 5,877

With 235 more COVID-19 patients recovering from the infection in Indonesia, the total number of recoveries has ...

Public adherence instrumental in ushering in new normal: Governor

 Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan reiterated that public adherence to the health protocol under the large-scale ...

Jakarta extends large-scale social restrictions until June 4

DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan has extended large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) by another 14 days: from May 22 ...

President inspects disbursal of staple food assistance in Johar Baru

President Joko Widodo inspected the distribution of third phase of the food aid to beneficiary families in Johar Baru, ...

Jokowi urges ministries to expedite disbursement of social assistance

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has appealed to related ministries to accelerate the distribution of social assistance ...

SKK Migas upbeat investment in upstream oil and gas sector to increase

The Upstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Special Task Force (SKK MIgas) is optimistic investment in the upstream oil and gas ...

Ministry channels Rp3.7 billion for Nduga conflict victims

The Ministry of Social Affairs has dispatched aid worth Rp3.7 billion for victims of the Nduga conflict in Papua in the ...

Refugees of South Halmahera earthquake face shortage of tents

Refugees of the earthquake that hit Gane Luar Village, South Halmahera District, North Maluku, on Sunday, are in dire ...

Central Government apportions Rp5 trillion in village funds for Papua

The central government has planned to allot Rp5.023 trillion in village funds to be disbursed this year to 5,411 ...

Indonesian Embassy repatriates 51 illegal migrant workers from Jordan

The Indonesian Embassy in Amman conducted the repatriation of 51 Indonesian migrant workers, largely illegal or ...

Social affairs minister distributes rp6.9 billion to victims of Sinabung

Social Affairs Minister Idrus Marham handed over life insurance aid, worth Rp6.9 billion, to the victims of Mount ...