
Collection of transfer news, found 2.376 news.

Foreign worker entry into Konawe to create 5,000 local jobs: minister

The arrival of 500 foreign workers in South East Sulawesi's Konawe district will lead to the creation of 5,000 ...

Ministry disburses Rp2.9 trillion funding to COVID-19 task force

The Finance Ministry disbursed funding of Rp2.9 trillion, out of the Rp3.5 trillion budgeted for the COVID-19 handling ...

News Feature

A deep sense of humanity for Rohingya prevails in Aceh

The smiles are again back on the faces of Rohingya children after being rescued from a sinking boat and currently being ...

Toshiba releases industry’s first photocouplers for high-speed communications that can operate from 2.2V

- Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation (“Toshiba”) has released the industry’s first[1] ...

Govt's intervention to curb increase in poor population: Bappenas

Governmental intervention to disburse social assistance amid the COVID-19 pandemic will curb the increase in the poor ...

Indonesia misses state revenue target by 37.7 percent in May

Indonesia posted state revenue of Rp664.3 trillion in the 2020 state budget as of May 31, or 37.7 percent of targeted ...

Indonesia, Cuba must improve cooperation in COVID-19 fight: MPR

Chairman of the People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR), Bambang Soesatyo, on Monday said Indonesia should increase ...

Minister: Collaboration between nations in vaccine development vital

Indonesian Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi stressed on the importance of collaborative efforts between countries ...

Most people understand, comply with health protocols: spokesperson

The Indonesian Government's Spokesperson for Handling COVID-19 Achmad Yurianto stated that most people have ...

Government to extend distribution of social assistance till December

The government will continue to distribute social assistance until December to help beneficiaries cope with the impact ...

President stresses on swift synchronization of aid recipient data

President Joko Widodo urged ministries to promptly synchronize data on recipients of the central government’s ...

Jokowi candid about all beneficiaries yet to receive social assistance

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) acknowledged that the social assistance to alleviate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic ...

Bogor applied stringent health protocol during BLT disbursal: Jokowi

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) highlighted that the health protocol was diligently followed during the distribution of ...

National Police Chief inaugurates nine provincial police chiefs

National Police Chief General Idham Azis inaugurated nine new chiefs of provincial police during a limited ceremony ...

Government urged to increase social assistance budget, recipients

Center of Reform on Economics (CORE) Indonesia economist Muhammad Ishak Razak urged the government to increase the ...